What is calendula for, its great benefits

This plant has countless uses, that is why it is known as a miraculous medicinal plant and here we tell you what is calendula for.

Calendula is one of the most popular and effective medicinal plants when it comes to caring for the skin, treating digestive and even gynecological problems. Its properties make it the favorite for both medicinal uses and beauty products.

What is calendula ointment for?

Calendula flowers are the main ingredient used to make ointments, creams and ointments that serve primarily to heal. In addition, they can be of great help for inflamed or cracked skin, minor or sunburns, and can also be used to fight fungus or treat acne.

How to drink calendula water

If you have wondered what is the use of calendula in infusion, it is used to treat digestive problems, the ideal is to drink 1 cup of infusion 3 times a day. They also recommend it for a superficial vaginal douche in case of irritations or as a rinse for mouth sores or inflammation of the gums.

How should calendula be taken for gastritis?

If you suffer from gastritis and want to start using calendula as part of your treatment, you should take a small cup of juice on an empty stomach. This means that in the blender you must mix leaves, flowers and a little water until it looks like juice, without exceeding the dose. You must do it every 15 days to control this discomfort.

What is calendula used for as a tincture

If you suffer from strong and irregular menstrual problems, you can consume 40 drops or a teaspoon of the tincture 3 times a day to combat pain.

What contraindications does calendula have

If you have sensitive skin or suffer from allergies, you should take special care with the fresh plant, especially the leaves. In addition, due to its high doses of tannins, high doses of calendula or oral treatments should be avoided. It is also not recommended for pregnant or lactating women.

If you like to take care of yourself with natural ingredients, we will tell you about the benefits of aloe vera, here… In one click on Vibra.