What is behind unfaithful women? – Online Psychologists

Infidelity is a situation that more and more couples are facing today. When this happens, it poses a great challenge to the relationship, especially for the person who has been faithful. Unfortunately, it is a very present problem in our days: statistics show that around 36% of men have been unfaithful. For their part, The percentage of unfaithful women is 27%.

The concept of infidelity within each couple is different. In some couples, flirting is enough to be considered infidelity. However, there are others who do not consider that infidelity occurs until they reach the physical contact or sexual act.

It is absolutely necessary and essential that before starting a relationship the couple establishes some boundaries that govern your relationshipThis way, they will be clear about what each of them considers to be infidelity. This way, there will be no blurred lines about what is right or wrong to do.

In the collective imagination, infidelity has always been seen as a typically male behavior. However, today There is a considerable percentage of women who are unfaithful.

Why are women unfaithful?

There are a number of reasons why women are unfaithful to their partners. Here are some of them:

  • Lack of connection. It is inevitable that as time goes by, couples experience a decrease in the amount of time and activities they spend together. This causes them to miss out on intimate moments or deep conversations. When this happens, it can decrease satisfaction in the relationship, which is one reason why women may be unfaithful. It should be noted that there is no justification; it is preferable to end the relationship rather than be unfaithful.
  • LonelinessMany unfaithful women say that before committing infidelity they felt alone and unheard by their partners. As we have already mentioned, it is not unusual for a distancing to occur. Nor is it unusual for people to start dedicating themselves to other areas outside of the relationship. This often causes loneliness. Not being able to share what you feel is a risk factor for ending up looking for someone with whom you do feel listened to and understood.
  • Not feeling loved. We are in the same context as the two previous situations. Many women may have felt ignored by their partner and hence their actions. Perhaps the interest or dedication has decreased and hence the woman has not felt valued or a priority for her partner. In addition, on many occasions, they feel that they have been replaced by other interests. For example, work, hobbies or leisure in general. Hence the feeling of displacement towards their partner.
  • Poor or unsatisfactory sexual relations. Regular and satisfying sexual relationships are always associated with the male gender. It has always been assumed that it is the man who needs to have more sex than the woman. In fact, this belief that women do not consider sex as important as men goes back many years. A belief that is totally false. Women need a good sexual connection just like men do, in addition to feeling pleasure when they are with their partners. If this does not happen, it can also be a reason for distancing themselves. So much so that it is one of the main causes of infidelity in women. When the sexual connection fails, some women need to find in others what they do not receive in the relationship with their partner.
  • BoredomWhen a woman feels monotony in her daily life, she wants to get out of it. She feels bored and sometimes that feeling leads her to commit acts such as infidelity. It is related to the need to give your life a twist or feel things that you have not felt for a long time. Even though they know they are doing it wrong, both unfaithful men and women are not able to give up. They are subjected to a kind of addiction caused by the rush or adrenaline that that moment generates.
  • Need to reaffirm self-esteem. Many unfaithful women do so because they do not feel valued. This makes them start to undervalue themselves and that is why they seek the approval of others. They need to feel beautiful and desired. There are women who, even if they are happy with their partners, need to feel that they are still liked and that they are capable of attracting other people.
  • Revenge. On many occasions we have heard the phrase “love is repaid with love”. Many women have claimed to be unfaithful out of revenge. Because their partner has previously been unfaithful and they have wanted to return the favor. They want to see their partner feel the same pain that they felt.
  • Attraction to another personThis happens when a woman experiences a very strong attraction to someone. Suddenly, someone appears with whom the woman feels comfortable, well and is sexually attracted to. It is one of the most common causes in people who are unfaithful by nature. They are absorbed by a moment of effusiveness and a specific person and they cannot avoid it. It should be noted that when we refer to feeling comfortable, it is because a situation of high occurs. At that moment, the woman believes that she is 100% complemented by the other person. However, it is only a matter of said context.

None of these causes are justified.When a woman is unfaithful, whatever her reason, all she is doing is causing more pain to the other person. Sometimes even to herself. Cheating is not right. In fact, if you think you are going to do it, talk to your partner because it is clear that things are not going well.

Before making that mistake, think things over carefully, and if you have nothing to think about, it's because your relationship is already broken.

However, if you want to try to fix your relationship, it may be helpful to seek the help of a couples therapist.

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How to get over infidelity?

Sometimes the person we believe is the one who loves us the most and the one we trust the most, disappoints us. When this happens we come to feel a pain immense. They have broken our hearts in a cruel way. It is always good to surround yourself with those who do want to help you. Seek advice from your friends, your family, people who love you.

However, there are times when we cannot move forward alone. An infidelity can generate a tsunami of emotions in a person that they cannot manage. The help of those around you may not be enough and you may need ask for help to a psychologist or couples therapist.

At we have been helping patients from all over the world find their well-being since 2012. We were pioneers in offering online therapy and that is why we know that it is an economical, but equally effective, alternative to traditional therapies.

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