What is astral projection?

It is the term used to describe an experience in which the individual perceives himself outside his physical body, being able to perceive the environment around him and even interact with people who are also projected. This type of experience, also known as conscious projection or astral travel, is studied by projectiology, a specialty of conscientiology that seeks to understand projections of consciousness and its manifestations outside the biological body and its actions in non-physical dimensions. Anthropologists record that astral projection is reported by almost all peoples and by individuals of all sexes, ages, ethnicities and religions. However, science still does not admit concrete evidence of the existence of the spiritual body or this type of experience.

According to projectiology, full consciousness (or holosoma) is formed by a set of elements: soma, the biological body; energosoma, the energetic body; psychosoma, the emotional body; and mentalsoma, the mental body. In an astral projection session, the psychosoma separates from the soma and forms an energetic connection between the two, called the “silver cord”, which connects your physical body to your spiritual body.


In addition to projection sessions, the psychosoma can naturally detach itself from the physical body during sleep, a trance, a state of coma or even under the influence of anesthetics. There are techniques that make it easier (see below), but preparation is required. Willingness to project yourself, a good physiological and psychological state, patience and determination are essential. In addition, the environment must be comfortable and the experience registered


The individual must sit comfortably in an armchair in front of a mirror and observe his reflection carefully, noticing small details and features until he becomes sleepy. The proposal is that the psychosoma gets used to the vision of the soma and tries to meet its image in the mirror during sleep, initiating a conscious projection.


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Most projection techniques involve great concentration and willpower on the part of the individual. In this technique, the person must focus their attention, with eyes always open, on a simple object, such as a candle or a vase of flowers. The exercise is to try to approach it without moving or moving, forcing the projection of consciousness until the psychosoma naturally disengages from the soma.

The psychosoma can also be detached progressively, as in this technique. It requires calm and cannot be “hurried” by the individual. He should close his eyes and concentrate on individual members of his body, such as arms and legs, trying to gradually manifest the emotional body parts. The result is the feeling of having a second hand or second arm, for example.

The person sits comfortably in a chair or armchair in an enclosed room. On the wall, imagine a closed door with an inscription or symbol. Meditating on the inscription, the individual should visualize an opening in the door and imagine passing through it, repeating with more intensity with each attempt. Over time, people begin to feel lighter and freer to project their psychosoma

Other trips
Although similar, lucid dreaming is different from astral projection. In the first, the individual is conscious in his own subconscious during the dream, but in the projection the experience is external to the body, in another plane of existence. During projection attempts, there are people who experience sleep paralysis, a state in which the body falls asleep, but the mind, still in the body, remains conscious. Those who practice the activity say that paralysis is halfway to projection, so encouraging a movement of the spiritual body at that moment would be easier

TdF suggested – Iury Lima

CONSULTANCY Rodrigo Fedrizzi de Melo, volunteer at Cognopolis SC – Conscientiocentric Pre-Institution and IIPC – International Institute of Projectiology and Conscientiology

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