What is akathisia?: symptoms and treatment

Are you one of those people who can't stop moving all the time? Have you ever thought about having hyperactivity or restless legs syndrome? Maybe what you are experiencing is that you suffer from akathisiaa little-known but fairly common disorder.

What is akathisia? What causes it?

Akathisia is a disorder that causes you to be unable to sit still for any length of timeyou tend to move or move some part of your body all the time. This happens because you feel a constant restlessness which makes you feel the need to move continuously.

This disorder It usually arises due to taking neurolepticsa type of medication taken to treat psychosis. However, there are Other factors that may influence the development of akathisia:

  • Taking other drugs, such as sedatives.
  • Suffer from some type of organic disorder.

This disorder can develop at different times. Even if medication has been taken, it can appear months or even years after starting to take the drug, weeks after finishing it, or shortly after starting treatment.

Symptoms of akathisia

Akathisia causes your body to be unable to stop moving, and therefore this also happens in your legs. This can lead to confusion between akathisia and restless legs syndrome, but they are not the same. Akathisia affects both physically and mentally, the symptoms of akathisia are:

  • Feeling of restlessness.
  • Constant movementthat is, the person cannot stay still.
  • Constant movement of body parts. hands, arms, legs, etc.
  • Yoirritability and restlessness.
  • Aggressivenessrestlessness and continuous movement can cause the person who suffers from it to become aggressive.
  • Lack of sleepthe movement and the feeling of restlessness will make you not rest as you should.
  • DepressionThis syndrome can negatively affect people's psychological health and cause negative thoughts that can develop into depression.
  • Suicidal tendenciesThe person's health and quality of life will be affected and this may lead to a mental health problem (negative thoughts, disorders and suicidal thoughts).

Do you identify with any of these symptoms? Contact an online psychologist.

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Is there a treatment?

The treatment of akathisia is related to the cause of the disorder developing. drug reduction either change of medication These are two of the solutions used to treat akathisia in people who suffer from it.

Advantages of psychological treatment

Psychological therapy is a very important factor in preventing the appearance of certain symptoms in patients and will undoubtedly be beneficial for their quality of life. A psychologist would work with the patient periodically to prevent them from developing psychological problems such as depression or suicidal tendencies that can be caused by it.

Through therapy, the psychologist will be able to work with the patient so that they can know how they feel and what is the best way to help them. They will work on the patient's self-esteem, and will make them listen to, accept and manage their emotions, in order to avoid those negative thoughts.

In Psychia We have a great team of psychologists who can help you. More than 1,600 people have already contacted us. Call and make an appointment for an online therapy session, First briefing is free.