It seems to be an easy task, but you may not know what is a recipe or you are not clear about the characteristics that it must have so that it is easy to understand and prepare.
When you get into the kitchen, you are sure to know how you should make some preparations, but what if you forget important aspects? Recipes are very important because they help you know how long you should bake, roast, what ingredients you will need and something that is vital: what should be the step by step to have an excellent result at the end of this whole process. That is why recipes become relevant since they help you not have to memorize everything you do all the time.
We know that you are dying to know 5 Recipes with shredded chicken, varied and easy to make or well, perhaps rather first you need to know what a recipe is, what its characteristics are and the indicated way to follow one to prepare all kinds of dishes that are the charm for all your guests. Take note and get ready to learn things that will be super useful:
What is a cooking recipe and what is it for?
Let’s go by parts. The first thing you should know is that a kitchen recipe is the allocation of ingredients on a product that you want to prepare. For example, if you want to prepare a hamburger, you will need some ingredients to compose it and that is where you must take out your mathematical side because you will have to calculate how much you need of each ingredient and how much it will cost you to carry out that recipe to achieve your final product.
Thus, having a product, some ingredients and a calculation of the quantities of each of them, comes a final but extremely important part: how to organize them to have a clean process. The step by step will require following an order of actions to assemble, so in the end all the ingredients will have a functionality.
What is a homemade recipe?
It seems to be obvious and perhaps you will say, in the previous paragraph they explained it to me!, but a homemade recipe usually has slight variations in its planning and assembly. At the time of preparing a homemade meal, such as a lentil soup, a recipe with vegetables and turmeric, the process could change because they are preparations that come from memory and in which you can put some additional ingredients or take out some that you do not like. That is the flexible and fun part of the recipes: that you can create new steps or add any product you like.
What are the characteristics of a recipe?
Although it may not seem like it, the recipes have very specific characteristics in the way they are written and even put together step by step for users to apply them. If you dare to create your own recipe, we share some peculiarities that you must take into account to show it to the public:
- The first thing is that you must present the ingredients and implements to be used. Then it is necessary to indicate all the steps in an orderly manner.
- The cookbooks must be written in absolutely simple language, short and in the form of instructions. Likewise, it is best to use verbs in the infinitive (ending in ar, er or ir) for the title of each action of the step. You must also express yourself in an imperative way (with requests and recommendations) to explain the actions to be carried out in each part of the process.
- Do not forget to share photos of each step so that the reader is guided and knows how their preparation should go at that moment (so that they do not enter into shock).
Now that you know the secrets of recipe books, we want to share our virtual book with hundreds of easy recipes so you can learn each preparation and put it into practice.