What is truly important in a relationship is revealed when you think “this is the last time I will see him in my entire life”.
Imagine that you are angry with your husband or boyfriend, for whatever it is, for a silly thing or for something that puts the relationship at risk, or for that detail of his way of acting that no matter how much you tell him, over and over again, change. Do you already have the mental image?
Now he thinks that everyone is going to do their things without saying goodbye, without kissing each other, without even saying goodbye. Now imagine that your partner disappears and that fight was the last time in your life when you were together.
It also vibrates with…
Have you thought about what you would do if it was the last time you saw your partner?
Creepy, right? Sometimes couples fight over silly things, other times the discussions are about very important issues, but All of this takes a backseat to the terrifying idea of never seeing the person you love again.. What would you forgive? What would you forget? What would you say to him before he disappeared from your life? That is what the following video explores. We invite you to watch it, and we challenge you not to shed a single tear…
For this, even if you are upset, never separate from your partner without saying goodbyewithout kissing him, without hugging him so you want to hang him, because you don’t know if it’s the last time you’ll see him alive. share this note With those couples who, despite loving each other, spend their time fighting, you could change their relationship!