What hurts each zodiac sign the most in love and why

Although we all experience heartbreak in a particular way, it is possible to know what hurts each sign the most of the Zodiac when his heart is broken.

Those who believe in astrology know that it is possible to know some aspects of someone’s personality only from their date of birth and therefore, they understand that each zodiac sign has similar behavioral traits, even when discovers that you have suffered from «Broken Heart Syndrome».

That is why we set out to investigate each of the signs to understand what it is that destroys them or would destroy their soul in matters of a couple. Take note!, and that way you will know what not to do.

Do you know what hurts each zodiac sign the most in love?


An Aries can put up with a lot of things from a partner, but what he does not let go and is the reason his heart is broken is that you try to control any aspect of his life, because he is a free spirit and needs to have the feeling of be able to fly if you want.


Although he is able to continue with a relationship even if the person he is with has broken his heart, you should know that betraying his trust is the worst thing you can do to him in matters of love, because he feels like dying and will continue with you, but terribly hurt. Of course, you should know that this is one of the most controlling zodiac signs with their partners for his great character and strong sense of belonging.


With a Gemini, everything can be reduced to chemistry, since they have an enormous connection between intimacy and love, so if you deny caresses, kisses or pleasureyou will surely break his heart instantly and he will want to fly to other arms.


A Cancer highly values ​​the emotional bond they have with their partner, so if feel disconnected or stop paying attention and spending time with it, you will break his heart in an instant and, worst of all, you might never know. Then you will ask yourself «and why did it end?».


Although it seems paradoxical, the enormous ego that makes Leos seem invulnerable to suffering is at the same time their Achilles’ heel, since their heart will be instantly broken the moment they you mess with their pride in any way. Don’t do it if you love him, even if he deserves it.


Virgos can be one of the most sensitive signs in the entire Zodiac and so breaking their hearts is relatively easy, all you need to do (please don’t) is leave it on seen or systematically ignore it. He will understand that his place is not by your side and he will leave with a broken soul never to return.


For a Libra, the most important thing in the world is that things in their relationship have the same weight for both of them and that applies to everything: from economics to intimacy; that is why he will be spiteful at the moment when he notices that you deliberately you are trying to take advantage of any aspect of who you are as a couple.


He forgives everything when he is really in love, however, something that supports us is abandonment; It doesn’t matter that you left because of him, his heart will be broken because he has the firm conviction that he is entitled to your forgiveness, whatever he does. So he may have muddied her, but he’ll be torn up inside.


Sagittarians always have the face of being super sure of what they want in life, however, the truth is that they are beings full of insecurities and that is why what their spirit is unable to bear is that their partner is not sure of their feelings towards them. the. Yes notice any hint of doubt in your heartyours will break.


A Capricorn focuses too much on himself and his own life, that’s why his partner must be a companion on the way for him; this man’s heart will be shattered if discovers that you have plans that go against theirsbecause he will take it as a sabotage to his goals and that is something he will never forgive.


Aquarians may seem like beings from another world, because they are too imaginative and many think they are going through the roof, but in matters of love they are super-dependent on details and if at any time they realize that you don’t feel the same as him, he will unceremoniously remove you from the keyring and he will go to rebuild his heart elsewhere and with another person.


Pisces are dreamers and terribly in love, that’s why it’s very, very easy to break their hearts, the only thing you have to do (and perhaps you already did it unconsciously) is failing to meet your expectations on any level; for example, not telling him what he wants to hear, not giving him the gift he expects, not anticipating his wishes, not guessing what he is thinking, etc. This kind of thing will convince him that you are not the woman for him.

What do you think is the worst way to break someone’s heart? Write what you think in the comments of this note, and share it on your social networks!

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