What happens if you apply 100 layers of lipstick on your mouth?
This is the new challenge for makeup youtubers: layer after layer of liquid lipstick. Look how her lips look, here…
How else is a mouth that you apply 100 layers of lipstick going to look like if not HORRIBLE? It seems like a very silly challenge, however the notes that have collected it, in portals like seventeen Y YahooBeauty, they have gone viral, because? Why our interest in seeing something so superficial? It must be a mixture of curiosity and frivolity, because we fell: we confess that we stayed like fools watching the videos of the challenges until the end.
And the result is as expected: a swollen mouth with which it is impossible to articulate a word. Check out the most viral video so far, which has obtained the average silly 6 million views in less than 4 days…
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What comes next? 100 layers of lash? 100 layers of foundation on the face? We understand that someone has already put 100 layers of nail polish on their nails and we are sure that more than one of them will be recording some of these challenges at this time, including something like 100 condoms in a member…
Also vibrates with: Another Chinese trend, this is the challenge of the iPhone 6
We don’t understand why 6 million women (including us) saw this video, do you know? Write what you think about this challenge in the comments of this note.
Happy #Children’sDayVibra! These children helped #TheRetrotubers with a little makeup http://t.co/uaUh9wqqtb http://t.co/LHhdLdYCFK
– Your heart Viiiiibra (@Vibra1049) April 25, 2015