Rose quartz concept Therefore, rose quartz is used to heal sentimental injuries, attract new love, romance and also privacy, such as producing close and deep relationships with the person to whom it was distributed.
Amethyst for fans of relaxation
It helps a person close to clear the air and get peace of mind and space. If you have a friend who finds it difficult to listen to his instincts and do what he needs, amethyst could be the ideal energy to strengthen his convictions. This happy stone calls the soul to find its corner of comfort. For those who need to relax and know their joy, the gift of amethyst cannot be missing. Amethyst absorbs the negative energy that surrounds it and also radiates purified positivity. So for the friend whose environment is in need of a precious energetic cleanser, amethyst is his birthstone.
Amazonite enhances creative output and assists in breaking through stubborn creative blocks, making it the ideal stone for artists. Any friend whose imagination you wish to support and encourage will appreciate the concept of the amazonite. With a dynamic essence, Amazonite encourages a flow of energy, thoughts, ideas, and communication. By easing the head and spirit, Amazonite introduces a calm that helps creative spirits to release their blockages and breathe much more intensely.
The rose quartz stone gets its name from its color, naturally. Its primary concept is affection and harmony both within the couple and between friends and family. Proof of this is that it works with the heart chakra.
With the ability to connect soul mates and open wounded hearts so that they can return to love each other without fear. You must be clear that this stone is one of the most capable among all the crystals.
What to do if I start to dream of amethyst quartz?
If you begin to have recurrences in dreams where these quartzes are shown, it is quite worthwhile to make them present in some way. Try to get real quartz and not just jewelry. But there is no need for the quartz to be there physically. You can also use Quartz Images that you set as wallpaper on your PC, Tablet or Smart Mobile.
With them you will keep in mind throughout the day that you are trying to find answers about your dream with amethyst quartz. At the moment you least expect it, the answer will come like a «spark». It may happen that you do not like this answer at all, since sometimes it means leaving the comfort region. It is wise to stay open and examine options on what actions to take. Remember one step in unison and keep in mind that our interior and our unconscious are considerably wiser than we are here in this situation.
The spiritual concept of rose quartz
As I previously mentioned, the spiritual powers of rose quartz are closely related to matters of the heart. Of all the quartz that we can find in nature, rose quartz is the most energetic of all, even of all the minerals there are.
Aside from filling you with positive vibes, this beautiful stone will also bring you warmth and compassion. It is perfect to give you comfort; For this reason, this mineral is widely used for healing in gem therapy.
What does it mean to receive a white quartz?
White quartz stone concept
It is considered a crystal of incredible spiritual value, being even the most powerful of the entire family. Its primary meanings are related to innocence, nobility, purity and strength.