What happened to the children of Juanes and Karen Martínez?

Gone are the little children, now the children of Juanes and Karen Martínez fall in love on social networks.

As time goes! This is the famous phrase that applies to everything and more when we talk about children who become teenagers. The children of Juanes and Karen Martínez have always attracted attention, the first to arrive in the family was Luna who is already 16 years old, then Paloma was born who turned 14 and the last was Dante, who is the only child and has today 10 years.

However, the age difference between the three is not a reason to overlook the great resemblance they have with their parents. Well, not only do they have the same look, but the same smile and, without a doubt, the attractiveness that characterizes Juanes and Karen.

Here we show you what the three children of Juanes and Karen Martínez look like today:

Moon Aristizabal

The young woman who is already 16 years old is very active on her social networks where she has more than 85 thousand followers. Luna usually posts several photos of her when she was little in the company of her mother and the constant trips she makes around the world.

Pigeon Aristizabal

Paloma has attracted attention on social networks with her beauty. Just like her older sister, she has quite a few followers on her Instagram account. Many assure that she has a great resemblance to her father, with whom, as can be seen in the photos, she has a very special relationship.




Dante Aristizabal

The youngest of the family calls himself on his Instagram account as «Dante Mono Coco» and with his photos he has been in charge of stealing sighs from more than one. Here we show you some…




How about the beauties of children that Juanes and Karen Martínez have?

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