Around 15 years, Columbus traveled to the island of Quíos, and then spent 10 years in Portugal, where he learned the profession of cartographer and sailor, and began reading texts about the sphericity of the earth.
As for his personal life, Columbus married Felipa Moníz, with whom he had a son, Diego Colón. Before the death of Felipa, this began a romantic relationship with Beatriz Enriquez de Arana, with whom he had a second son, Hernando. Both relationships influenced their social status, which allowed him to make various trips.
How was the discovery of America?
Christopher Columbus was convinced of the sphericity of the earth, so after his Failure with King Juan II of Portugal, He went with the Catholic Monarchs of Spain to present his project.
Isabel I of Castilla and Fernando de Aragón They agreed to the signing of the Capitulations of Santa Fe on April 1492, in which the demands of the navigator were arranged and agreed to finance their expedition.
So, Christopher Columbus left the port of Palos with three caravels: the girl, the painting and the Holy Mary, which arrived after 6 months to Guanahaní Island, which Columbus called San Salvador, the October 12, 1492, believing that he had reached the Indies.
On this first colon trip and its crew They also arrived in Cuba, appointed as Juana, already Santo Domingo, which the Spanish called. Thus, they established the strong Christmas, The first Spanish settlement in America.
What did Cristóbal Colón do after the discovery of America?
After the discovery of America, Columbus arrived in Spain on March 15, 1493 and was received by the Catholic Monarchs In Barcelona with honors. However, he made three more trips in order to explore the new world.
Second trip
Columbus planned a second trip that began on September 25, 1493, starting from Cádiz with a fleet of 17 ships and more than a thousand men. Thus, in January 1494 Colón founded the first city called La Isabela, A larger group of Spaniards settled, new expeditions were made and preached the Catholic faith. On this trip Columbus also landed in Guadalupe Island, La Desired Island and Jamaica Island.
Third trip
This trip with 6 vessels began on May 30, 1498, to reach the Trinidad Island and Touch Firm at the mouth of the Orinoco River. Columbus explored the Gulf of Paria, between Venezuela and Trinidad, as well as the coasts of South America. However, upon his return in 1500 Colón and his brother Bartolomé were imprisoned by orders of the Catholic Monarchs Faced with accusations of abuse of power, although he was released months later.
Fourth trip
He Fourth and last trip Columbus began in April 1502, in order to find the narrow that would lead to the lands of Asia and India. After touring Honduras, Nicaragua Costa Rica and Panama, His vessels anchored in Jamaica Island, to return to Spain on November 7, 1504, Without wealth and with various diseases.