What emotion dominates your life? One of these trees will tell you

Mastering emotions is a very difficult task and surely your personality is closely linked to your feelings, but with this #VibraTest we will tell you the emotion that dominates your life.

Within the extensive list of emotions it is difficult to know which one represents us, we can get confused due to the state of mind in which we find ourselves at the moment.

One of these trees will tell you what emotion dominates your life

Look carefully at these trees and tell us which one catches your attention the most:

Tree #1 – Melancholy

If you choose the first tree, this could indicate that you are a person who tends to melancholy. Sometimes, you find yourself regretting the past and even if you look at life with optimism, you always maintain a nostalgic streak. Your desire is often to go back to the old times. Your biggest challenge is to look at the present and the future without fear.

Tree #2 – Enthusiasm

If you choose the second tree, you are an enthusiastic person. For you, life is a constant challenge and you really want to go all out. Each new adventure gives you adrenaline, makes you happy, but sometimes you get too carried away and make hasty decisions. Your biggest challenge is learning to meditate on situations before throwing yourself into it.

Tree #3 – Anxiety

If you have chosen the third tree, anxiety is unfortunately your best friend. While your head is constantly moving, she is standing there ready to hit you. You are a person who takes care of the people around you and things, so you always tend to be worried. Your challenge is to delegate responsibilities from time to time and not overwhelm yourself with anguish.

Tree #4 – Empathy

If you choose the last tree, you are a very empathetic person. You spend your life putting yourself in other people’s shoes, so your personality is a bit capricious. You adapt to the surroundings, to friendships, to the needs of others, but the risk is always to lose the essence. Your challenge is to remain yourself without neglecting those who love you.

You are putting yourself in the place of the other, and it is not difficult for you to have to deal with people. This makes you, at the same time, someone very changeable: you adapt to the environment, but sometimes this leads you to lose your essence a little.

Personality tests like this «what emotion dominates your life» help us understand our emotions, the behaviors we adopt and how we relate to others. Also, remember that these Tests and tests do not have an absolute truth in their results, they are simple games and should be taken as such.

With information: The Lucid Life