What does the Satanic Bible say?


It is a book divided into four parts, which argues that Satan is a force of nature and can be invoked with magical rituals. Published in 1969, the work was reprinted 30 times and is the most influential of the so-called atheist Satanism. For this current of thought, the devil is not how Christians see him, that is, an evil being in opposition to a good God – on the contrary, in the Satanic Bible, God and Satan are often cited as the same entity. The author is Anton LaVey (1930-1997), also founder of the Church of Satan. There are those who say that he wrote the work to take advantage of the success of the film. Rosemary’s Baby, 1968. LaVey’s Satan considers Jesus and his laws of charity a great farce. He does not ask for worship, but that each one live according to his own law.


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diabolical scriptures

Find out what each of the four parts of LaVey’s Bible says

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The Book of Satan claims that the Ten Commandments are a lie. Satan questions, one by one, the laws that Yahweh would have passed to Moses on tablets. The most refuted are «Thou shalt not commit adultery», «Thou shalt not kill» and «Thou shalt not bear false witness». Lies are accepted, mainly for their own benefit.

No nudity will be punished

Sex, love and hate are addressed in the Book of Lucifer: orgies are allowed and even encouraged. Hedonism is considered a virtue. There are 12 chapters, which detail rules of behavior and list the four princes of hell, Satan, Lucifer, Belial and Leviathan.

– Another 77 infernal entities are mentioned. None of them have a beard and horns.

Eye for an eye

In the Book of Belial, rituals that invoke satanic forces are presented. The reader can use them to generate attraction in another person or even to get the death of an enemy. The book criticizes Jesus’ lesson of turning the other cheek when attacked. “Hate your enemies. Hit them,” he says.

killing energy

Nineteen powerful words that can be invoked in rituals are listed in the Book of Leviathan, which also explains their origins. To release very powerful energies, human sacrifices are allowed. They are taught to invoke Satan and to incite people’s sexual desire and compassion.

SOURCES The Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey and The Secret Life of a Satanist by Blanche Barton

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