What does the rooster mean in witchcraft, spiritual and biblical meaning

What does the rooster mean in witchcraft and rooster spiritual meaning? We receive several related questions about the rooster, such as the following: What does the rooster mean in witchcraft? Does the rooster have spiritual meaning? What is the Chinese horoscope rooster meaning? Could you post about the rooster biblical meaning?

Here we clarify these doubts:


its symbolism

What does the rooster mean in witchcraft (sacrificial offering) Both the rooster and the hen are widely used as sacrificial offerings in African and Diaspora and Latin American traditions. Some gods prefer chicken as a sacrifice, and in some cases a certain color (especially white or black) is preferred.

Sometimes a rooster is sacrificed as a symbolic substitute for a person. For example, if a person is ill or is determined to be under attack by spiritual forces, a rooster can be identified as the person and then killed in the place of the human, thus ending the illness or attack. In the Jewish tradition of the kapparos, on the day before Yom Kippur, you can transfer your sins to a rooster or chicken (or other small animal) and have it sacrificed for your absolution.


What does the rooster mean in witchcraft (Divination method) One form of divination is to cut her throat (or remove her head), let her go, and observe her behavior. The rooster (a hen can also be used) scrambles, possibly runs, and is finally placed in a final position from which the diviner can make a prediction.

An anecdote in the Smithsonian tells of an example of this method in Mali, where the chicken falls to the right or left when the answer is yes, and forward when it is no. When the aid workers brought a modern breed of chicken (Rhode Island Red) to the island, this method failed, since the breed has been selected according to the gastronomic preferences of the modern western palette and its oversized breast makes it always fall forward.


What does the rooster mean in witchcraft (Healing method) Although chickens are occasionally used in healing rituals to draw out illness in the same way that a negative spirit can be drawn out, the most common way to use the rooster (it can also be a chicken) is by preparing a broth to which herbs are added and prayers are said in order to achieve the speedy improvement of the sick person.


What does the rooster mean in witchcraft (Way to protect) In many places in Africa and Latin America, negative spells spread powders and other substances on the ground that the target person to whom it is addressed to can step on them. This is why white magic casters recommend having a white rooster or black hen more particularly with ruffled feathers walking in the yard ensures that any such spells will be absorbed by the rooster who will die afterwards.


Other symbolism

rooster spiritual meaning It is the symbol of Truth, Life and Wisdom. The rooster is the herald of oneself, in the constant movement of meditating and awakening consciousness, exercising – the vigilance of defects and errors; and perseverance in the search for knowledge and truth as guides in spiritual, intellectual, moral and social improvement.

The rooster also has strong symbolism and is deeply related to prosperity. For centuries, this animal has been associated with good luck.

In ancient times, in Europe it was believed that the crowing of the rooster drove away all the evil spirits that lurked during the night.

In esotericism, it appears as a celestial creature and heralds the solar resurrection. Its symbolism is associated with morality and awakened consciousness, and also with death and resurrection.


Rooster spiritual and biblical meaning The rooster has an important role in the Bible in referring to Peter’s denials of Christ. Peter was warned by Jesus that he would betray him three times before the cock crowed.

This story is found in Matthew 26:33-35, 69-75, Mark 14:30-31, 66-72, Luke 22:34, 56-62, John 13:36-37, 18:25-27. In this case, the rooster is considered a warning against arrogance.

Pope Gregory I (540 – 604) proclaimed that the rooster should be considered a symbol of Christianity and the emblem of Saint Peter.

Some churches around the world have a rooster as a weather vane on the church steeple instead of the traditional cross.

Many Christians considered the rooster as a symbol of Christ, the bearer of a new dawn and light.

The rooster also served as a reminder for parishioners to gather in the church to pray.


Rooster spiritual meaning (astrology and Masonry) In astrology, the planet Mercury governs the expression of truth, since it is the one sent by God. It represents Apollo, god of the sun, and symbolizes light. In the same way, using correspondences and analogies, the Rooster is the generator of hope, the herald of the Resurrection, since his song marks the sacred hour of dawn.

In Freemasonry, the Rooster is associated with the transformation of the profane candidate into an initiate; representing the dawn of his new existence, that is, symbolically the neophyte dies as a profane and is reborn in a more complete and elevated plane of spirituality.


What does rooster mean in chinese horoscope In the Chinese tradition, the Rooster is associated with the concept of Yang, that is, with the heat, light and life of the universe; hence the Yang is also represented by a Rooster.

The Rooster occupies the tenth position next to Buddha in the Chinese zodiac, it is a position of strength, attention and honor; he learns the lesson from the app, roosters are flamboyant, they are attracted to social occasions. He works with great determination, his eyes are always on achieving his goals.

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Those born under this sign are loyal, trustworthy and outspoken in offering their opinions. The Rooster prefers to be admired for his good looks than for his intelligence.

The Rooster is brave, confident and bright, and he does his best in a room full of people. The Rooster likes to spend his time dreaming and meditating on great ideas and philosophies.

They are extremely social beings and love to be the center of attention, they can also be easily influenced by flattery and sweet comments from others. Roosters are proud and extremely organized and always keep their house clean and tidy.


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