What does the Ctrl R | 👁

Ctrl + O: Open the file. Ctrl + R: Refresh the page.

Shortcuts to delete content in the terminal

In the event that we must delete an item in the terminal, it is essential to take into account the following keyboard shortcuts:

In case we need to change the item typed in the terminal, the following keyboard shortcuts may be helpful:

What exactly is it for? Ctrl R

Ctrl + R is a much more frequently used keyboard shortcut to refresh the page in an Internet browser.

To use this keyboard shortcut, hold down any of the Ctrl keys and, while holding it down, press R.

What is the Ctrl key?

In most of the common keyboards used in computers with the Windows operating system, we will find 2 Ctrl keys. One is usually found in the lower left corner of the keyboard, and in some cases it is represented by the abbreviation Ctrl, and in others the word Control is printed.

What does CTRL L mean?

Ctrl + L Aligns the content to the left. Ctrl + R Aligns the content to the right edge.

Ctrl + W: Close the active tab or new window. Ctrl + Tab: Switch between tabs.

Where is the Windows key located?

The Win key can be located by trying to find the Windows logo on the left side of the keyboard, between the Fn and Alt keys. On laptop PCs, there is only one Win start key; Due to the fact that it is a smaller type of keyboard and that it has other buttons such as the Fn key.

Windows Key + R: Opens the Windows Perform dialog box.