What does the black rabbit mean in witchcraft, spiritual meaning and the Bible

What does the black rabbit mean in witchcraft? Rabbits, especially black rabbits, have long been associated with the moon and witchcraft. In European folklore, rabbits were often considered the favorite familiars of witches before cats.

Let’s see, then, more about what the black rabbit means in witchcraft, spiritual meaning and in the Bible


its symbolism

What does the black rabbit mean in witchcraft #1 (fertility rituals) The hare, like the rabbit, especially the black one, has always been an animal linked to the pagan celebrations of the fertility in the spring. Hare meat was recommended as a cure for sterility and it was even believed that eating it for nine days increased sexual attraction during that period.

What does the black rabbit mean in witchcraft and esotericism #2 (magical amulet for communication and luck) From these points of view, he has the ability to walk between worlds and maintain communication with everyone at once. The fact that it disappears and reappears in the blink of an eye makes us think, too, of hidden knowledge and wisdom. Hence, over the centuries, it has been considered fortunate to wear a rabbit’s footeither in the pocket to be a magical animal.

What does the black rabbit mean in witchcraft (riddle method) #3 The Celts used rabbits, especially black ones, for hunting. fortune telling and other shamanic practices. To do this, they studied the patterns of their footprints, the rituals of their mating dances and the mystical signs of their entrails.

What does the black rabbit mean in witchcraft (transformation rituals) #4 The black rabbit has been widely used in rituals of rebirth, shapeshifting, and transformation. In Irish and Scottish, it was a common belief that witches transformed into rabbits to travel undetected. This rabbit-spirit was only vulnerable to silver bullets. A case of witchcraft in Scotland showed that a witch in her confessions reported that she was able to transform into a rabbit by reciting an incantation that gave her magical ability.

What does the black rabbit mean in witchcraft (as a sacrificial animal) #5 In African traditions it is used as a sacrifice in some rituals


Other symbolism

Rabbit spiritual meaning (Finding or dreaming of a white rabbit) Good luck In European culture, they are considered so lucky that meeting one is a real blessing. There is an interesting custom in modern society related to white rabbits. People say “white rabbit” or simply “rabbit, rabbit” on the first day of the month to guarantee happiness in the current month.

Dreaming of white rabbits symbolizes change and fortune in your life. But, a white rabbit in the dream means those things only if you have the courage and are willing to take a step forward.


Rabbit spiritual meaning (Finding or dreaming of a black rabbit) Fears The black rabbit as you probably expected has the opposite meaning to the white rabbits. If you see a black one it means that you are under stress or even that you feel depressed.

Black rabbits symbolize fear and helplessness. Dreaming of them can remind you of family problems and losses.

The color black does not always mean something negative. According to some interpretations, black, as a color, symbolizes stillness and silence.

Observing it this way seeing a black rabbit could remind you that peace comes from being still and silent. Or, depending on the context, the need to break the silence.


Rabbit spiritual meaning (Find two rabbits at the same time) Duplicity of meanings Seeing something duplicated, in this case two rabbits means that the symbolic meaning is even more powerful. The symbolic meaning of the number two is balance, choice, relationship, and judgment.

It may be that your spirit guides are trying to help you with clarifying the point where you might be of “two minds” about a decision or issue in your life.

In case you come across two black rabbits and wonder what it means to see two rabbits, keep in mind that colored animals appeal to our deepest feelings.

If they are dark it means that you have shadows in your thoughts and that your subconscious has messages for you. Through two black rabbits, your guardian angel can send you a message to be more reserved in your dealings with others.

Sometimes two rabbits cross your path to let you know that from time to time we can find power deep within ourselves, perhaps even in dark places.


Rabbit spiritual meaning (Finding or dreaming of a dead rabbit) It is not considered a good sign. Dead rabbits bring with them a lot of negativity.

Rabbits are often preyed upon by other animals. Therefore, a dead rabbit also indicates cruelty or that your life is going in the opposite direction. On the contrary, death does not always symbolize pessimism.

Death often leaves you hollow highlighting that something is missing in your life. Therefore, a dead rabbit can also symbolize that we should try to be more creative by working on ourselves and having a positive outlook on life. If you have any financial difficulties, the dead rabbit usually symbolizes that you should take advantage of the different financial opportunities that come your way.


Rabbit spiritual meaning (Finding a dead rabbit at the door) Two meanings Seeing a dead rabbit on your doorstep can be very unsettling, but it’s also a sign you need to understand.

Having a dead rabbit at the door symbolizes two things:

a) You must take steps to ensure that you can grow in life by embracing development.
b) It is considered a warning from the cosmos that you should have realistic views.


Rabbit spiritual meaning (Finding a dead rabbit in the yard) Losses Finding a dead rabbit in your backyard can symbolize the loss of friendships or relationships. It can also be a sign that your near or loved one is no longer in this world.


Rabbit spiritual meaning (Finding a dead rabbit inside your house) Wake-up call Seeing a dead rabbit inside your home can be unsettling at first.

However, if it is related to the death of your rabbit, it may mean that some opportunity that was about to knock on your door is gone. In short, she may miss out on some golden opportunities in life.

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What do rabbits mean in the Bible?

Meaning of the rabbit in the bible Rabbits are rarely mentioned in the Bible, but when they do, it’s not too positive.

According to the Bible, humans should not eat rabbits. They are considered unclean animals because they «chew the beast, but do not split the hoof» (Deuteronomy 14:7)

Despite this, the rabbit is undoubtedly related to the Christian festival of Easter.

If you want to know more about what the black rabbit means in witchcraft, spiritual meaning and in the Bible, you can send us your question to our email.


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