What does our soul do while we sleep?

What is the nocturnal astral journey of our soul like? What other worlds do you visit at night? What physical sensations of leaving or entering the body do we feel? How do our guides communicate with us at night? How do astral entities disturb us and disturb our sleep? How can we protect ourselves and use our sleep to be better during the day?


As we have seen many times, we are not just our physical body of three-dimensional raw matter. Have several subtle bodies around us: the etheric or vital body that provides us with vital energy, the astral body where we feed our desires, emotions and diverse aspirations, the mental body that is nourished by our thoughts and convictions, the spiritual body that develops with our spirituality. and our connection with Everything and with others. These subtle bodies are connected to the physical body by an etheric thread that will break a few days after physical death.

Thanks to this subtle celestial vehicle, there is a percentage of our soul that is reincarnated in matter, through our physical body (between 0 and 9 months of pregnancy) that can travel between the physical plane in which we currently find ourselves and the astral. plane – your plane of origin

The rest of the percentage still sits in the astral going about your multidimensional soul business. During the day, the percentage of soul present with us is very variable, depending on the degree of difficulty of the experiences to be lived. Our soul is always one step ahead, it knows what we are going through, if we are going to need it or not. The lower the percentage of our soul presence, the denser and heavier our “ state of soul”, because our earthly personalityit will be less supported by the lightness of our soul's presence in our subtle fields. Most sensitive people confuse this state with disconnection from their spirituality, but that is not true, it is just a story of density or lightness of our subtle bodies. Furthermore, the more the soul evolves, the less percentage it is present in the density, but since we are talking about percentage and not value, this absolutely surpasses the cases of people with young souls who require a sustained presence.


At night, the soul and the astral body leave our physical body, during REM sleep and return to the astral plane for their daily breath of fresh air. It's like a reminder (oops, if that reminds you of anything else) of his luminous nature. Every day, thanks to the implant of forgetfulness foreseen at birth, a part of the soul also forgets its nature at the same time as we do, and every night it remembers it.

One night I had an almost funny experience that I will relate here . It was early in the morning and I was between two worlds, almost awake. I feel my soul but different, it was dilated and multicolored.

I almost know sulked ' at the thought of returning to my body, and said to his guides: ' Why do I have to get into this vase (or jug) narrow? It depends on the translation, because it happened more telepathically, in image and in sensations), I who am so vast. And why should I accept a single color, since I am multicolored? ”. I maintained this energy of greatness that my soul made me feel, for several months.

How the soul is always connected to the physical body by the etheric thread at any time can return if the need arises, so that the physical body regains its daytime awareness and is operational, in case of emergency. If this happens, during sleep we feel a kind of sudden fall, as if we were falling from several floors, or very loud noises, as if the house was collapsing on top of us (also called “exploding head syndrome”). «).

On the other hand, if the soul is forced to leave our body during the day, for example due to strong emotions, we can feel a kind of sensation of the body swelling, as if we were expanding to the dimensions of the room we want. They were busy becoming a big marshmallow. In this same category of physical sensations, there is also sleep paralysis when our physical body is completely frozen, but our consciousness is awake and alert to the terrifying situations that we may experience (presence of entities that touch us or speak to us…). The solution is always to calm down and simply say STOP.

When brain waves are tuned for our REM sleep, the soul begins its true night life. She is very happy to find her friends and achieve her goals.


This world is very vast, because it allows the cohabitation of all souls, incarnated or not, guides of all types and all types of astral entities… The soul works in the astral in one of the families of souls here on the left. With the help of a pendulum we can check to which family our soul belongs. Belonging to a certain family colors our aura with a certain color (not the one marked on this sphere, which is only decorative).

Overnight, our soul You can come into contact with other souls, family, friends who need it. You can attend meetings with other species (non-human) for the energetic organization of the collective lines of evolution of humanity. She can travel to other worlds as a simple tourist.


There are many worlds in the subtle planes of the Earth and other planets . Our soul likes to visit them. Each time, it comes back full of new ideas that can support creatives, artists, musicians or scientists.

All inventors They have drawn their ideas from these worlds. Film directors have drawn their incredible images from these worlds (example: Movie “ Avatar «). Mozart was “ connected ” directly. Jules Verne wrote his “ Journey to the Center of the Earth ” and others inspired by these worlds.

These trips can appear in our dreams with a little luck. However, not everything we see in our dreams is due to astral travel of our soul.


During the night we received spiritual teachings of our guides. The energy is very bright around us throughout the entire process.

They send us lists, diagrams, various explanations which we understand vibrating completely at all times, but which we forget in part or in whole when we wake up. Additionally, it is very frustrating to keep only fragments of overly technical diagrams that are unlike anything we know today.

However, although our earthly consciousness Whether you forget or do not understand, the teachings remain imprinted on our soul, which knows and understands. When the day comes, it will bring all this information or its decoding to the surface.


Entities can disturb us day or night, except that at night they are at home, with more spirit and courage (not to be confused with the souls of the deceased or ghosts). Are responsible for nightmares and night terrors in children (and adults).

They generate emotional and mental states that can resonate in our pain body and amplify it when we wake up, hence our discomfort in the morning . These entities will infiltrate our sleep and persuade us to sign a contract to give our unconscious consent to their energy vampirization plan.

on the same night I remember, I could have (if I had not been prudent) signed a diploma, a marriage contract, a children's school link book, a pass, an autograph… In our dreams, we can play with different laws, become invisible (that's my thing), fly, go through walls, create bubbles of light…

To counteract these actions, we can and must undo them upon waking up reminding entities that they have no right to be in our psychic space. In the same way, before going to bed, we can cast our intention to spend a quiet night, receive answers to our current questions from our guides, etc.