What does it mean when they throw salt at your door (coarse salt)

What does it mean when salt is thrown at your door? Salt, especially coarse salt, is considered a powerful air purifier. Different towns use it to combat the evil eye and to keep the house safe from harmful energies.

However, why has someone thrown salt at your door if this is considered a positive thing? Could it be that someone appreciates you in silence or on the contrary wishes you ill?

Next, we are going to answer the question What does it mean when salt is thrown at your door?


its symbolism

It is important to know that salt is a crystal and therefore emits electromagnetic waves that can be measured by radiologists. It has the same wavelength as the color violet, capable of neutralizing negative electromagnetic fields.

Seen under a microscope, coarse salt reveals that it is a crystal, made up of small squares or flattened cubes. Dense energies tend to concentrate in the corners of the house. Therefore, placing a glass of coarse or kitchen salt water balances these forces and makes the house lighter. For an average room where not many people circulate, a glass of salt water in two corners is enough.

Undoubtedly, coarse salt is a positive element in the spiritual and esoteric world. Here we can see some examples of positive uses of coarse salt

  • A pinch of salt on the shoulders drives away envy.
  • The mixture of salt with water or alcohol absorbs everything bad that is in the air, helps purify and prevents envy, the evil eye and other inferior feelings from entering the house.
  • After a party, wash all the glasses and plates with coarse salt to neutralize the energy of the guests, purifying the tableware for daily use.
  • Taking a bath in salt water with baking soda releases bad energy and is relaxing. The only care is not to get your head wet, as this is where your spirit lives and should not be neutralized.

There is even an African tradition that precisely relates salt to doors, since when someone moves, the first thing that enters the house is: a glass of water and another with salt. They use dry sea salt in a white saucer behind the door to attract negative energy from those who enter.

Here we can clearly see that salt is indeed a positive element, but then the same question arises again as at the beginning. What does it mean to have salt thrown at your door if it is something positive or not?


The answer to this question

Although the coarse salt It is widely used in rituals and spells to attract the positive, it can also be used in reverse. That is, if you notice that one morning when you open the front door of your house that someone has placed a handful or a row of salt on the threshold of the door, it means that someone around you (especially a neighbor) does not want to see you around and it has used the salt with the aim of getting you away from it or simply for you to move from there to another place.

It may be that that person considers that you are not a good person because you may have made a comment that they did not like or they simply envy you and are applying the coarse salt ritual to keep unwanted people away. This is so if along with fla salt you find other witch elements such as earth, stones, etc.

One way to neutralize it is to pour holy water over the salt, pick it up with a glove (don’t do it with your bare hand), and place it in a bag (along with any other items you may have found). You should try to leave it in the furthest place from your home.

When you return home, it is necessary to reconsider your attitude towards the neighbors. If it is a person that you talk to them a lot (you invited them to your home, you talk to them, in confidence, about your private life, etc.), it is recommended not to treat them so closely.

Another recommendation, now that you know what it means to have salt thrown at your door, is to pray the following prayer daily, for at least a month, in order to ward off the negative environment that may exist around your home.


Prayer when they throw salt at your door

Dear father

I come to you with a heavy heart because I believe there are neighbors who do not feel good about me and who want me to leave here.

I ask you to give them peace in their homes and in their hearts, teach them Lord to respect all people. I beg you to help me find peace in this moment where I feel so dismayed. Remind me, Lord, of the love that you have given me and lead me by example in the face of adversity.

Keep me in order and in the slowness of anger. Lord, I know I ask a lot of you but you are my savior, you know my heart and you are the only one who can turn these situations around. Father, I thank you in advance for allowing me and my neighbors to live in peace in that place. Amen.

If you want to know more about What it means to have salt thrown at your door, you can write your question in the comments section or send us your question to our social networks.


also know

Salt esoteric, spiritual and biblical meaning (meaning of salt)