What does it mean when rusty nails appear and the prayer of the 3 nails

What does it mean when nails appear / what it means to find rusty nails Since ancient times, the nail has been related to protection against negative entities.

In this sense, the ancient Greeks and Romans protected themselves from evil spirits and unwanted presences by nailing thick iron nails into the walls of their houses. Related to this belief is the «magic nail»: in times of epidemic a nail was driven into the wall of the temple of Capitoline Jupiter so that the disease would be fixed to the wall, getting rid of it the city of Rome.

Something has to do with this the Roman custom of counting the years by means of a nail that was fixed to the wall and made to run every year.

The iron nail was attributed powers. It was believed to be a remedy against epilepsy, nailing it where the patient’s head had touched it. If a sick child hangs an old twisted nail from the hoof of a horse around his neck, he is cured and in Catalonia a nail used to be left under the bed in cases of sterility of the woman, believing that she would get pregnant:

In order to make yourself desired by someone who clearly rejects you, and attract their will, you spill a pot containing oil, salt and three iron nails tied to a silk thread in the entrance hall of the house of someone you love: if the person whose favor is sought step on the nails will not be able to resist whoever requires it. In many regions butter is prevented from curdling by putting a nail in the cream when making it

If you dream of nails, it means that works that seem useless, but that will last. In addition, the dream symbol can represent a situation in which the tension of the dream increases: external circumstances or the ambition of the dream put the nails in it.

Therefore, the nail can appear in the dream as a sign of physical or mental pain. If the nail has been lost in the dream and is not found, a relationship, especially a professional one, is not very secure. A rusty screw records that a relationship has worn out over time. This dream has a sexual meaning behind it. Also, driving a nail in a dream is understood as symbolized sexual intercourse, the nail is seen as a male limb. Let’s see, next, what it means when nails appear


What does it mean when nails appear / what does it mean to find rusty nails

What does it mean when nails appear? It is lucky to have nails appear along the way or to find a nail, especially if it is rusty, but you have to follow a certain ceremony to pick it up from the ground: it must be done with the right hand, spit on it and throw it by the left shoulder without look back and without worrying where it has fallen: It brings bad luck to despise a nail without bending down to pick it up.


spells with nails

Spell with nail #1 Ritual of a glass of water and a nail to avoid absorbing negative energy

In this case it is useful that the glass is made of glass. Since it is a rite that can be practiced daily and requires almost no work on the part of the invoker.

In this sense, you should take a glass of water with a nail (preferably iron) inside and leave it under the bed while we sleep, if possible in the place of the headboard. Before going to sleep, the following prayer should be pronounced out loud:

“The glass surrounds the water

And prevent it from spilling.

wrap me like water

And drive away all evil.

Upon waking, check to see if there are any bubbles stuck to the sides of the glass. The more there are, the more negative energy we are receiving or emitting. If the water has evaporated, it could be a sign that someone is practicing a curse against us. The water should be disposed of away from the house and the clove should be washed every day.

The glass under the bed generates a protective field that allows us to sleep peacefully, without the negative energy that may come from outside or inside affecting us. During sleep we are more vulnerable to evil energies, so we must be doubly careful when resting. We recommend practicing this rite daily. In this way we will enjoy a fuller life and less charged with negative energy.


Nail Spell #2 Clove spell for home and family protection

This is a well-known practice that serves to protect ourselves from the evil that they may wish us, to cleanse the environment of all negative energy. It is usually used, above all, at home. This is a traditional spell.

You need a glass bottle, 3 cloves, the peel of half a lemon, coarse sea salt, 3 pieces of rue root and a cork stopper.

Put all the ingredients inside the bottle. Close the bottle with the cork stopper. Leave the bottle in the window of the room where the summoner sleeps, without touching or moving it.

The protection will be effective as long as the bottle remains in its place and is not touched by anyone. If it is touched or moved, the amulet will lose its effect and will have to be made again by changing all the ingredients inside the bottle and the cork stopper. This ritual will protect the person who invokes it from the evil eye and from the bad intentions of those who want to harm them.

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Prayer of the 3 nails

I cross myself with three nails and embrace the cross.
+ holy cross
+ dignified cross
+ divine cross.
I praise the Lord who died for my sins. keep evil and wickedness out of my way.
may the holy cross and the holy crown be before me, and pacify the hearts of those who are against me.
Christ lives. christ reigns.
Christ defends me from all harm.
May the father free me.
May the son keep me.
May the Holy Spirit intercede on my behalf.
Hail Mary full of grace. you who have conceived without original sin.
praise be the holy sacrament.


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