What does it mean when a voice wakes you up (I feel that they call me)

What does it mean when a voice wakes you up / I feel someone calling me and I wake up / What does it mean to hear someone call you by your name in your dreams? we woke up

If this situation has happened to you before, it is important that you know that it has spiritual meaning.

In this sense, we are going to explain what it means to hear your name called in your dreams or when you are asleep or awake (I feel called and I wake up)


Its symbolism and its explanation

Although it may not seem like it, hearing someone call your name or a voice wake you up while you sleep is a fact that several people experience. From waking up with the impression of having heard someone calling you, to hearing a clear call can have several meanings.

These meanings can depend a lot from one situation to another and on other elements that can help to better understand what happened. Let’s see specific answers about what it means when a voice wakes you up.


What does it mean when a voice wakes you up (I feel called and wake up) Explanation #1 Waking up with someone calling your name can indicate a spiritual manifestation that wants to establish some kind of contact.

Whether this manifestation is good or bad, the fact that you are called by your name is a strong indication of a communication attempt. If it turns out to be a familiar voice of someone who has already disembodied, it can also indicate the presence of this person. Because when we sleep we are more susceptible to spiritual connections and the spiritual world.


What does it mean when a voice wakes you up (I feel called and wake up) Explanation #2 It could be a mediumistic awakening or the development of a listening mediumship. In other words, this mediumship indicates the ability to listen to the spirits present in the environment and that can manifest during sleep.

What does it mean when a voice wakes you up (I feel a call and I wake up) Explanation #3 It may have is related to vibrations or physical noises of natural origin in the house or outside it (a door moving in the wind, a TV on, a visitor at the door, someone at home knocking, etc.) that whose sound at some point in the dream may seem like the call of our name.


What does it mean when a voice wakes you up (I feel a call and I wake up) Explanation #4 Waking up to someone’s call can also indicate our own emotional and psychological state, as when we are under a lot of stress and agitation, this can greatly affect the quality of our sleep.

Therefore, it can indicate something that is not related to spirituality, but that can still affect well-being. Lavender baths and relaxing herbal teas can help calm your heart and mind and provide a good night’s sleep.


Hearing your name in the early hours of the morning, what does it mean?

Have you noticed that in horror movies spiritual activities always take place at 3am? Despite the exaggeration of these films in terms of supernatural powers and manifestations, they are not wrong of time.

During the night the spiritual activity is really greater and many mediums work spiritually at this time of the day.

So if you wake up hearing someone calling your name during this period, it may be because it’s a more auspicious time.

In addition, the sensation you feel when you wake up can indicate a lot about what has happened and the vibrations of that presence. Therefore, if the sensations are negative, it may indicate that the presence is not very positive, it may be necessary to carry out an energetic cleaning in the place.


There may be other meanings of dreaming that someone calls and wakes up

It all depends on who appears in the dream or who calls you in the dream. If this person happens to be your boss or teacher, you may be very worried about something you have to do. Probably a difficult task, a short deadline or something that has not yet started.

In the same way that if it is your mother who calls you, it can be closely related to the attitudes that you have been taking. In any case, all meanings imply concern. Plan and reflect on what worries you to act in the best way.


Hearing a voice that calls you by your name: can it be a bad sign?

If you’re worried this might be a bad sign, don’t be alarmed! Because if the phenomenon has a spiritual origin, it could mean some kind of sensitivity or mediumship.

In other words, the person who has this mediumship has a spiritual sensitivity that ends up manifesting itself in hearing.

Therefore, if you frequently hear these voices as part of a spiritual phenomenon, you may be a hearing medium.

Could waking up to a calling voice be a warning sign?

Depending on what was heard at the time of the call or even the content of the dream you were having, it may indicate a yes warning. But this will vary greatly from situation to situation and how these calls occur.

Something that may be wanting to attract attention in this situation may be the development of a mediumship. Not only that, but also the vibrations of the environment and the personal ones, which must be taken care of.

Lastly, it can even indicate a state of stress and alertness that is too high that does not allow you to rest your head, which disturbs your sleep.

Therefore, this event may bring many different warnings and invitations to observe certain issues. However, it is important to use common sense and also intuition to know what works best for your situation.

If you want to know more about what it means when a voice wakes you up, you can ask your question in the comments section.


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