What does it mean when a man measures his hand with yours | 👁

This is considered the most chivalrous and kind gesture of an individual. There is a feeling of innocence that accompanies this way of holding hands; By the fact that he means that he views you with respect and that he wants to scream to the planet that you are ‘his life partner’.

Don’t stay alone with that…

As we are now discussing, there will be men who measure their hands with yours, just as a game or to persuade you that their own is true, when it is not so.

However, not the entire planet is this way. Hence, if you are interested in a man or looking for something much more serious with him, it is essential that you make sure that he takes actions that demonstrate his affection, interest and respect for you.

He holds your hand on the first date

It’s not uncommon for 2 people to hold hands on the first date, it’s not the year 1950 at the moment.

However, many have the possibility of ending things about the future of the relationship thanks to this.

We do it to connect much more

—> Even to make much more connection with you

Because he also knows how to play them very well, the soft touch, his fragile skin… It is interesting when we touch a woman’s hands.


Foot with the second toe much shorter than the first. It is the most frequent, between 50-60% of people have it. Shoemakers often follow this pattern to make lasts, making it much easier for people to find the right shoe.

It is essential to note that, in situations where the first metatarsal is much longer than usual, the foot can end up building osteoarthritis (stiffness of the big toe) in the big toe joint. In addition to this, the use of very narrow formwork predisposes the person to suffer from hallux valgus (bunions). But not everything is negative, as a curiosity, the artists of the Egyptian season considered this genre standing still an ideal of beauty and thus represented it in the paintings they made for the pharaohs. Hence, according to the pharaohs, your foot is much more precious.

This is how it should be done

We are not talking about security greetings, but rather about those meetings that we practice in a professional environment. Although the handshake as a greeting is much more typical of Western ethnic groups, it is now accepted as a form of courtesy in most places in the world. The way we offer our hand at the moment we enter a circle or show ourselves to someone, a formal gesture that may seem simple, may be essential in an initial approach. It is also a clear indication of people’s education and biological age. But there are considerably more messages that can be transmitted with this gesture that so much criticism from around the world compromises the current US president, Donald Trump.

Guided by a talk by Teresa Baró, an expert in non-verbal communication and author of ‘The enormous guide to non-verbal language’, and other authors such as Allan Pease, creator of the book ‘The language of the body’, these are the important elements Things to consider when shaking hands: