What does it mean when a candle burns fast? [Ejemplos] –

Black Witch with knowledge of more than 20 years in red magic and domination spells; main editor at MI SPELL POST, EZEQUIELASMODEUS.COM and creator of SPELLS TO DOMINATE ORG. He is willing to help you solve your problems in a simple way through witchcraft.

Candles have been a fundamental element to illuminate human beings throughout history. But, they are not only necessary when daylight is lacking.

Once they melt completely, they take different forms, they have the virtue of predicting, indicating something hidden from us. Keep reading and I’ll explain what it means when a candle burns fast and much more.

Knowing how to read the behavior of a candle, the wax or the remains of a candle is an art that very few have the advantage of practicing.

So what does it mean when a candle burns fast?

When lighting a candle, we notice that it burns much faster than other times (normal is about 4 or 5 hours). The message that this behavior wants to convey to you is incredibly positive. Well, in that company the sail was used and that you will overcome any obstacle in your path or that there will not be many obstacles.

However, you must consider that what comes easy and fast in life, will go just as fast and easy. The candle tells you that success will come quickly, but there is a chance that it will not last long.

If, on the other hand, when you light a candle, you notice that it burns slowly, it may mean that the candle is advising you to have more confidence in yourself.

Candle burning fast when casting a spell

It may mean that your spell will be successful, but you must maintain a positive mindset and believe in magic for its effects to last.

Candle burning fast when performing a ritual

When a candle is burning quickly when performing a ritual, it may mean that the ritual is working and that you have successfully engaged the appropriate energy to allow the universe to grant your request.

For example, if you are performing a New Moon Ritual because you want to plant seeds of your intentions for the coming month and the candle you are using is burning quickly, you may need the collaboration of the universe to make this happen.

If you perform a Full Moon Ritual to forgive and forget someone, if the candle burns quickly, it means that you are sending the energy in the right direction and the candle is helping you with your request.

You can read my article on candle magic manifestation time here.

Did you know?

I was honored when Court TV producers recently asked me to consult on a case.

You can see the clip below. This case is a great example of why I don’t cast any spells that have harmful intentions. As a professional spell caster, I work with clients from all over the world and it is important for me to stay grounded and stay ‘in the light’ so I can help as many people as possible.

Practicing magic requires skill and patience and is not recommended to be done alone in most cases. I provide these do-it-yourself articles for educational purposes, but it is highly recommended that you consult an experienced spell caster like me and let me do the work for you.

This way you know it’s being done by someone with experience and knowledge, and I’m also always here to answer questions about your casting and provide follow-up at no additional charge.

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Candles that burn fast when cleaning your space

If you decided to cleanse your space because you feel there is negative energy around you and the candle you are using is burning fast, you may be right, some opposite energy is there and with the power of the candle and your cleansing. ritual you are sending him away.

A candle I am using in addition to spells and rituals is burning fast, what does it mean?

I often use candles away from spells and rituals. As? If I need a little support for my love life, I’ll light a red candle. If I feel a lack of energy, I will light an orange candle. If I want to enhance friendship, I use a pink candle. You can consult all my articles about each candle and its meaning according to its color or know what to use for each specific area of ​​your life. I once invited a couple of friends over and lit a pink candle to enhance our friendship.

The candle burned SO fast. I mean, within half an hour the candle was completely gone! That night was incredible. We had the best time with tons of laughs and special memories but after that night we haven’t seen them again and they even broke up as a couple so it’s harder to see each other again like we did.

What does this all mean? That our friendship wasn’t meant to last?

I guess we should have made more efforts to resolve things, but in my opinion, when you try to force something, it means it’s not supposed to be that way.

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My candle doesn’t burn as fast: does it mean I’m doing something wrong?

Absolutely not. Simply put, your candle and the energy around it are not in sync, so they don’t exhibit that type of behavior, but that doesn’t mean you missed something or didn’t cast the spell correctly. Don’t let this undermine your confidence and trust in your magical ability.

How can I tell if the candle burning fast is not a coincidence and is a very significant aspect?

If your candles burn quickly and you need some sort of confirmation of their meaning, you can let it burn completely and try reading the wax. It is a wonderful divinatory way to connect with candles in a new way and learn more about the candle’s behavior while casting a spell or performing a ritual.

I have two candles. What does it mean when one candle burns faster than the other?

When one candle burns faster than another, it means that its energy and power reveals its magic to you. If you use different colored candles, the color of the candle that burns faster means that some specific energy is working faster than the other.

If a candle burns smoothly, without smoke, carbon, soot, tears, etc., but burns too quickly, it is an indication that you will have good results, but they may not last long. A quick but perhaps brief success. It’s also good if you want something quick and it doesn’t matter how long it lasts, for example, good luck winning a game of chance.

A fast burning is a good sign, but a too fast burning may indicate when reading the candles that the result you are looking for will not last long.

Let’s say we want more money, that we are trying to push someone away, find love or advance in studies; A candle that burns too quickly (compared to other times you have used the same type of candle or other candles burning at the same time in the same ritual) means that although the ritual will work, it may not last long , be a short-term, short-term success, and the work may need to be repeated at a later date.

If candles have been lit for several people or for several reasons, the candle that burns out the fastest indicates that that person is the most affected or that what we have asked for with that candle is the one that is in the worst condition or needs the most effort to improve. . .

This condition is also useful for reading the candles with respect to the past, present and future:

Three lit candles next to each other represent the past (the candle on the left), the present (the central candle) and the future (the candle on the right) or if it is a pentagram shape (5-pointed star) , time can also be represented, with the closest candles being the past, the middle candle being the present, and the upper or furthest candles being the future.

The candle that burns the fastest will indicate where the problem primarily lies.

However, in some rituals it is a positive sign that the candle burns out quickly, although it always has a negative side. If we are doing a ritual to uncross or break a work of magic, candles that burn too quickly indicate that you are acting quickly and very strongly, which is good.

But it is also indicative that the work done is strong and that there is “a lot of damage” to be burned and therefore the candle burns quickly. Certainly, in a ritual of this type, it would be much less if the candle burned with a very weak flame.

Since the meaning of candles burning too quickly is good and at the same time not so good, candles should be read with other complementary actions, such as observing the resulting wax, what shapes it takes, whether the wick has burned clean. or with charcoal, or has taken strange shapes or divisions. You must read the entire thing to be sure of what the message is.

Meaning of wax or candle remains

When the candle burns down, they usually leave extraordinary shapes and patterns, which are full of messages that we can discover if we pay a little attention.

Below are some shapes of candle remains. Maybe one of them will show you the answers you are looking for in your life.

geometric forms

  • Circles: Shows that you repeat patterns repeatedly. It’s about those vicious circles that you must close and leave behind. These circles are not a good sign, they are interpreted as difficulties in projects or in attitudes towards life. On the other hand, it may indicate that you should consider postponing some plans and waiting. It’s time to face and overcome difficulties without the help of anyone else.
  • Squares: If you see squares in the shape, it is interpreted as solving your problems and difficulties. Lasting success at the end of a complex life path.
  • Triangle: they are interpreted as possible obstacles and problems in your projects. If this form appears, you must have a strong attitude towards problem solving. A practical tip is to do other activities so that nothing stagnates and these circumstances flow and separate you from your life.
  • Rectangle: This figure indicates that you will be successful in all areas of your life, in love, in health, at work, financially and in happiness.

Earth and space elements

  • Sun: The Sun represents good luck, sunlight good fortune.
  • Moon: If you notice any lunar shape, you will most likely visit a doctor as it is related to your health.
  • Star/s: If this form appears, you can rest assured because happiness will always be your guide.
  • Mountains: Unexpected money will arrive
  • Tree: This shape is wonderful,…