What does it mean to see the time at 11 11? I would bring spiritual power to you

You know what does it mean to see the time at 11 11? There are various interpretations from angelic numerology and it is time for you to discover them.

The meaning of mirror hoursalso known as the hours of the angels, are repetitions of the same digits at the exact times in digital clocks and that, according to experts in angelology, would be one of the ways in which these beings communicate with us, the mortals.

1111 meaning

Knowing what 11 11 means in the spiritual is essential to understand that it is a number that has been very fashionable for some years, especially after the attack on the twin towers September 11 of the year 2001 in New York, because it is given a special meaning.

That is why it has happened to all of us, and sometimes in such a repetitive way, that we look at the clock to discover that it shows times like 11:11a number loaded with astrological and spiritual meaning.

See the hour 11 11 constantly what does it mean

Let’s start from the essential, seeing this time on a clock does not indicate anything bad! The 1111 is usually seen as the magnificence of the being and the neatness of the heart. It is also related to positive thoughts and spiritual cycle changes in which it increases personal growth and human understanding of the surrounding environment.

What does it mean to see 1111?

If you are one of those people who is constantly bumping into this time every time you look at a digital clock, you probably have the spiritual charge of it in your life, so you should focus on being a leader, because you have all the tools for it. It has to do with the desire for a break; Maybe you are going through a period of stress and need to take a break. Pay attention to those who take care of you and take it.

According to experts in numerology, 11 is the union of the masculine force of 1 and the feminine cunning of 2, the result of adding 1 plus 1. On a spiritual level it has a double meaning, because on the one hand it symbolizes intuition, determination and energy, but on the other it symbolizes ambition and stubbornness.

1111 meaning in love

If the number that governs your relationship is 11, you are an intellectual, dynamic and spiritual couple, which is why it is based on the extensive conversations you have on common issues.

However, this display of communication has its negative side; It happens when they do not agree and the egos of each one come to the fore, which confront each other as equals and, if neither of them gives in, this type of conflict can be a time bomb that ends the relationship.

Meaning 1111 bible

The base book of the Catholic faith can be interpreted in different ways, depending on whether we read it with the eyes of believers or skeptics, so we have extracted some of the key moments in which this particular mirror hour appears. Analyze and judge what it means to you.

  • Saint John: 11:11 Then he added: «Our friend Lazarus sleeps, but I’m going to wake him up.»
  • Jeremiah 11:11: “Therefore thus saith the Lord, behold, I will bring upon them an evil from which they will not be able to escape. They will cry to me, but I will not listen to them.»
  • Saint Luke: 11:11 Is there any father among you who gives his son a snake when he asks for a fish?
  • According to Saint Mark: 11:11 Jesus arrived in Jerusalem and went to the Temple; and after observing everything, as it was already late, he left with the Twelve towards Bethany.
  • Saint Matthew: 11:11 Truly I tell you, no greater man has been born than John the Baptist; and yet the smallest in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than him.

Message from the angels 1111

As we told you at the beginning of this note, angelologists who practice numerology assure that this type of number is a channel through which celestial beings send us messages. Some of them advise making a wish just at the moment we see it.

Why do you make a wish at 11 11?

For those who believe in the power that angels have over people’s lives, it is no coincidence to see this time on the clock, on the contrary, it means that at that precise moment we have a connection with a celestial being that is showing us the way. . Therefore, making a wish at that moment is not an esoteric subject, but a vote of confidence.

How often do you come across this number? Write what you think in the comments of this note, and share it on your social networks right now!

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