What does it mean to put your shoes crosswise under the bed?

QWhat does it mean to put your shoes on the cross? Every day we use, to walk, a pair of shoes. That is to say, it is an object that we use on a daily basis and that, perhaps, for this reason, has multiple superstitions, rituals and spells.

Pliny tells in his Natural History, that in the first century, to end a spell or prevent it, people spit inside the right shoe; and it is also an ancient custom to put on the right shoe first so as not to tempt fate, which is related to the idea that one must start walking with the right foot.

Likewise, the conviction is old that it brings misfortune to walk with only one shoe, or to lose a shoe while walking or going down a staircase: whoever happens to it will suffer economic loss. It is said that green footwear should be avoided. Let’s see, next, what it means to put the shoes crosswise.


What does it mean to cross your shoes?

We have received many questions related to putting your shoes crosswise under the bed and what it means.

This is a superstition that was born in ancient Egypt. If a peaceful sleep is desired, it is suggested to place the shoes so that one faces the interior of the room and the other faces the exterior. That is, it is placed in the form of a cross.

It is important if the person suffers from constant insomnia to carry out this action in such a way that they can fall asleep and, at the same time, be protected.

If the person suffers from contractions or cramps at night and wants to avoid them, it is recommended, in this case, to put the slippers crosswise under the bed, but in the shape of the cross of Saint Andrew. That is, like an X.


Finding shoes at the door of the house. What does it mean?

In addition to the question QWhat does it mean to put your shoes on the cross, does it exist orAnother question that we frequently receive on our web site, .com, is related to finding shoes at the door of the house.

If in the morning you find a pair of shoes at the door of the house with the sole up, dirty and in poor condition, you should try to turn them over with a stick and then with that same stick place them in a bag, close it and throw it into a container. vacant lot from behind: if the person has carried out this action with bad intentions, they will bounce back to the person who did it.


Ritual with shoes and related themes

There are other esoteric aspects with shoes that are interesting to know, such as the following:

If walking down the street we find a new pair of shoes, the sign of destiny is telling us that our life should take a new direction.

If the shoes we have found are old, it tells us that before taking new directions on our own, we try to have the experience of those who know more than us. In this case it is a clear wake-up call to the directors.

In the event that, after putting on the shoes,When we start to walk our heel breaks, we must understand that our steps have to be prudent, discreet and very thoughtful

It’s lucky to throw a shoe at someone who goes on a trip without him noticing; also to whom he stays at home. It is not good to keep old shoes or throw them away, but to burn them: doing so prevents fevers and other health disorders.

As far as old shoes are concerned, it is advisable to hang at least one from the ravelin of the fireplace as a spell against bad luck. Before opening them, it is lucky to tiptoe behind the door for a whole night, especially if you put a coin inside the right shoe: the feet will lead to where the money is.

If the new shoes creak, it is an indication that their owner has not finished paying for them. Old or new, they should not be placed on the bed: whoever does so is in danger of death, or will lose their job, money and home. It was once very ingrained to believe that placing a pair of boots on the bed augurs death in gallows.

Today we tie old shoes to the newlyweds’ car to wish them luck, but in the past they were thrown at the bride’s head after the ceremony to wish her numerous offspring: the origin of this belief lies in the association of the shoe with the foot, a phallic symbol in the ancient world; hence the association of the shoe with fertility is universal: the Eskimos hid in the clothes of the sterile woman or among the things of her personal use, a piece of old shoe

When a shoe is lost, in this case the left one, the signal will indicate that to achieve victory we must put aside what we have already learned and be more intuitive. On the contrary, if the missing shoe is the right one, it will mean that we must make an effort to put aside the imagination and concentrate our energies on tangible and practical issues.


Ritual with a new shoe and the ladder to improve at work within a company

Labor hierarchies within companies are a hotbed of conflicting desires and wills that inevitably lead to frustration. Everyone can have the desire to occupy a higher position from which to enjoy their work more, receive a higher salary or just feel that they are in better control of their environment.

Before putting into practice any plan whose objective is promotion, we will consider the possible consequences that this would entail; if there is someone in the position that we want, if any colleague would be harmed, if our promotion would be beneficial for the operation of the company and, if we find our desire as something positive for the people around us, then let us move freely towards the improvement of our position within the workplace in which we find ourselves.

It is common to have outbursts of desire based on selfishness, greed, pride and many other sources of a dubious and poor moral nature. It is essential to remain alert against all these spiritual enemies, because if we pay attention to them we will surely fall into the worst of traps and what we do with bad intention on the one hand, life will return to us, without a doubt, with bad intention on the other. the other.

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The rite that we propose below aims to find our exact position within the labor hierarchy. For this we will use a new shoe and a ladder, a clear representative of the job ladder to which we alluded, and we will also use the magical power of the four elements.

Required Items

A ladder with at least three steps

A new shoes

A jar with sea water or salt water

A jar of soil


The ladder can be located wherever we want, it can be part of the portal of our house, the access to our office, any ladder with more than three steps will do. The only exception to be aware of is any type of ladder.

  • For four consecutive days, approach the ladder and go up it step by step, day by day with new shoes.
  • The first day did not upload any. Leave a mound of earth at the base and say a prayer.
  • On the second day climb a step, leaving a few drops of water on it and saying the prayer as well.
  • The third, climb two steps, blow on the step that we have under our feet and recite the prayer.
  • On the fourth day climb three steps, drop a lighted match on our step and also sing the prayer.

We associate the rungs to the four elements and these to the hierarchical ladder within a company. The base is the land, the most manual work, the position in which the employee works more with his own hands and his body.

The first rung is formed by water, which we see here as a symbol of dissolution. The people who work on this rung are those who carry out bureaucratic and administrative tasks in general.

The second rung represents air: creative work. Here we enter a small elite within the company: they are well-paid and attractive positions. Those associated with the third rung, those of fire, allude to managerial positions. Their task is to organize what surrounds them, order their environment.

It is the best paid type of work and the one with the most responsibilities associated. When thinking about a promotion, let’s be honest with ourselves and try to imagine in which position we will be more comfortable, where we will perform better and where we will go with more energy and enthusiasm.

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Sometimes we may discover that the task we are performing is not satisfactory to us or does not adapt to our authentic way of being and that we would be better off, although it may be paradoxical, on a lower rung of the hierarchy.

The new shoes represent our new vision about work, a new beginning and that we are heading towards where we want. Try to wear this pair of shoes as many times as possible in your work.


As we climb each step, let’s recite these prayers to complete the symbol of the spell:

The base is the earth,

Soil of my aspirations.

On this earth my desire rises.

the water is confusing

But I see through her

And my eyes see the light above.

In the air there is where to breathe. It seems there is a lot to do. I’ll go higher and check it from the top.

The top of the tower is a flame. It burns as it burns my desire That now from the highest I want to see satisfied.

the cosmo will help me to achieve it.


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