What does it mean to have an ‘M’ on your hand?

Palm reading is a way of predicting the future that has been used since time immemorial. Already in Chinese culture we find signs of palmistry, which appears for the first time in the Chinese book I Ching. The philosopher Aristotle believed a lot in the future of the hands, and Alexander the Great judged his military officers according to their lines. It is often said that many prophets have had this sign in the area that extends from the wrist to the fingers.

As an introduction, We must point out that within the palm we find four lines that are known as the life line, the heart line, the head line and the destiny line.. Some experts, to these, add other complementary lines, such as the ring of Venus, the line of the Sun, the line of Mercury, that of luck, that of marriage, that of children…

What does the M in the hand mean?

Due to the way three of the main lines on his hands (the heart, the head and the life line) come together. many people can discern in their palm a kind of letter em, to which magical powers are attributed, in addition to allowing the reading of data about our future and our way of being.

Which hand to read?

Before looking for the m in the hand, the first thing we need to know is precisely which of our hands to use to read the future. According to certain traditions, women have to read the right hand, while the left is the one that points the destiny of the gentlemen.

However, according to other sources, the left hand points to our entire past, while the right hand can read, with the right knowledge, what our future holds.

What does the m in my hand say about who I am?

People whose hand lines form an em letter usually special and particular people, with a great sense of intuition, and for many they are signal beings, children of a new spiritual era.

They are characterized by a great entrepreneurial personality, without fear of challenges, and with a special gift or charisma when it comes to closing deals and businesses. In fact, there are masters of palmistry who indicate that those who have an m on their hand are predestined for success.

Good fortune and prosperity will be a constant in their professional lives.with exquisite discipline and self-motivation worthy of applause.

Friends of the truth (and capable of detecting lies)

Despite having that special talent when it comes to undertaking business ventures, people with the M in their hand do not achieve success through bad arts or deception. In fact, they are usually faithful, loyal, with great love for the truth.

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enemies of lies

Likewise, they have a special ability to detect when they are being victims of a lie. They manage to detect it precisely due to their intuition, and it is advisable not to deceive them, since they consider falsehood the ultimate betrayal, something practically impossible to forgive. Likewise, if you are going to play any game with a person with the aforementioned brand, try not to cheat him, because he will also detect them and the game will be considered finished.

So from now on, when you are going to miss the truth, pay attention to the hands of whoever you want to deceive, to save future headaches; that, in case you have to lie yes or yes, of course.

The M, but not Fear

Even if you have an M in your hand, it does not mean that this is because you are afraid; in fact, it would be quite the opposite. Individuals with the letter M marked on the palmar dermis are usually very determined and brave people.

They do not feel a special attachment to anything, which makes them leave their fears out, and be predisposed to change (needless to say, above all, if that change is for the better, of course; but they also take changes in which they do not benefit).

They have a very high level of adaptation, even mimicry; they may be the last to arrive at a company, for example, and soon have skills and knowledge that others have taken years to acquire.

When it comes to facing problems, they usually come out victorious, and they are rarely the victims in history. Their spiritual potential allows them to control the power to be happy in this life and without the need to harm others.

Are you a woman and do you have the M in your hand?

If you are a woman and you have the M in your hand, you should know something: your intuition is much more refined and accurate than that of other people, even men who have the same drawing as you. So do not hesitate to take advantage of this innate gift to get where you want.

Ideal professions for people with the M in their hand

We have already mentioned that people with this mark have, so to speak, a blessing that makes them have strong professional motivation and good fortune, which is not at odds with iron discipline.

Paying attention to the statistics, these individuals usually work in the legal field (lawyers, judges, prosecutors, notaries…) or in politics.. Within the business sphere, they are predestined for senior management and team leadership positions.. In addition, they are usually excellent partners and allies to set up a business, of which they will have a clear and very peculiar vision.

Not all are advantages

The energetic potential possessed by people who have the thirteenth letter of the alphabet marked not only brings advantages. And it is whate his gift also serves as a magnet for undesirable people, freeloaders or liars. But luckily, with intuition, they know how to distinguish the wheat from the chaff and only keep those beings who are really worthwhile in their lives.