What does it mean to find a dead dog on your doorstep?

What does it mean to find a dead dog at the door of your house Many people have pets in their homes such as dogs and cats without knowing that they have a spiritual and even esoteric meaning.

Even finding them in the street doing a certain action can mean something to those who observe it, but if it is found dead at the door of your house it has two aspects: First, the animal died naturally at the entrance of the door and the other aspect it is that someone through a ritual has used that dead dog for some negative purpose.

Here we will analyze this more extensively.

What does it mean to find a dead dog on your doorstep?

What it means to find a dead dog on your doorstep (causally and accidentally)

If the animal has died naturally near the door of the house, it means that something negative (not physical) was around your house and that the dog, a very noble animal, absorbed it.

should be turned on immediately incenses (best of sage) to purify her both outside and inside her house. Then holy water is sprinkled on the animal, pray to San Miguel Arcangel and must be carefully placed in a black plastic bag. Finally, a vacant lot should be placed away from the home.


What it means to find a dead dog on your doorstep (not accidentally)

If, on the other hand, the dog appears with certain objects on top, open in the middle or wrapped in newspaper or plastic, it can be considered that it was placed there for some negative reason.

In general, it is a close person who is apparently very kind and loved, but who inside envies the prosperity, love or material success of someone in that household.

It is necessary to get rid of the dead dog very carefully (even more than the previous case) and for this you need a series of elements such as gloves, a plastic bag, holy water and the prayer of San Miguel Arcangel.

The procedure is as follows: Holy water should be sprinkled over the dog at which time the prayer of San Miguel Arcangel is prayed and placed inside a plastic bag (preferably black). Then, tie the bag well and take it to the farthest place you can from your house and once you deposit it; don’t look back.

Upon arriving at the house again, you must clean the place with holy water and begin a novena to San Miguel Arcangel. It is recommended to acquire its image and place a white candle and keep it lit until the end of the novena.

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Dog spiritual meaning (other aspects)

In cities it is not very common to find a dog on the loose and without an owner on the street, so this symbol should not be interpreted as a fortuitous event, but rather as part of those strange coincidences that refer us to a signal.

  • When the dog is large, it announces that an important phone call is about to take place and also the prompt arrival of news that can be very relevant.
  • If the dog we find is of a reduced size or small, the signal predicts that we should fear the appearance of relationship problems at work. The signal tells us that there is a possibility that we will have to face discussions with co-workers or partners.
  • In the event that the dog is light in color, it portends good news. If, on the other hand, it has dark fur, it refers to possible problems with some age component of the family.


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