What does it mean to dream that you are kidnapped? Find out in the dream dictionary

If you wake up distressed by a nightmare like dreaming that you are kidnapped, you have to overcome the initial fear and ask yourself the meaning of that dream. If you have come this far and wonder what it means to dream that you are kidnapped, you will discover very interesting things that they can mean a relief for overcoming your limitations in life. What does it mean to dream that you are kidnapped? Find out.

Dream dictionary: What does it mean to dream that you are kidnapped?

Dreaming of a traumatic experience that does not come from a real experience, but from a fictitious recreation, can be distressing and disconcerting. This is the case of the nightmare of dreaming that you are kidnapped, but don’t worry: forget the idea of ​​a premonitory dream or the announcement of a misfortune. Nothing is further from reality: dreaming that you are kidnapped is the perfect example of an inverted dream.

On those occasions, the brain inverts the meaning of real sensations to express the exact opposite of what you have dreamed. Dreaming that you are kidnapped reveals a state of mind oppressed by the feeling of conditioning and lack of freedom, and expresses the need to free yourself from your ties to regain control of your life, the freedom of your actions, and the autonomy of your decisions.

Therefore, the first thing you have to do if you wake up drenched in sweat after dreaming that you are kidnapped is to calm down, overcome the panic and rationally seek the opposite direction of what you have dreamed. Dreaming that you are kidnapped encourages you to overcome the situation of emotional kidnapping in which you find yourself.

As a general rule, dreaming that you are kidnapped usually represents the fear of making very important decisions in your life, which makes you feel prisoner of the circumstances in which you live. If you are able to deal with the powerful message of this dream, it can be an eye-opening experience.

Dreaming that you are kidnapped: variants of this type of dream

If the message of dreaming that you are kidnapped is crystal clear, as an expression of desire and the need to free yourself from your ties, the particularities of the variants of this type of dream offer you more precise interpretations that you should pay attention to.

Dream that you are kidnapped and you manage to escape

One of the most frequent variants of this type of dream is to dream that you are kidnapped and you manage to escape, which indicates on the one hand that you are a prisoner of some chains that prevent you from acting freely, taking the path that you truly want in life, and on the other hand, however, the determination to put an end to that situation. You are evolving into a stronger and braver personality.

Dream that you are kidnapped and you can not escape

Another variant of this type of dream is to dream that you are kidnapped and you cannot escape, which indicates the many difficulties you are encountering to free yourself once and for all from those ties and achieve a happy, full and fulfilled life. However, it is not a premonitory dream, but an invitation to break with that situation and get once and for all the freedom that will lead you to happiness.

Dream that a stranger kidnaps you

Sometimes you dream that you are kidnapped by a person you do not know, or that they have their heads covered, and that invites you not to focus on the person’s identity: it is not a real, personal threat, but several. Circumstances that are conditioning you when making your own decisions. You must gain confidence, self-control and security to start a new life with more responsibility.

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Dream that many people kidnap you

When it is not just one person but many who kidnap you (something like dreaming of a kidnapping organized by a criminal gang) you should focus on the issues, situations and the people who prevent you from making your own decisions. The message, in this case, is clear: stop always doing what others expect of you, and think about your own happiness.

Dream that an acquaintance kidnaps you

When you dream of a family member or acquaintance kidnapping you, it can easily be misinterpreted as a betrayal or threat from that person. Nothing is further from reality. This dream it is indicating a feeling of fear of losing contact with that person, from which for different circumstances you are moving away. You have to find a way to get close to her again.

Dream that you are kidnapped for a long time

Dreaming that you are kidnapped and that you spend a lot of time locked up offers you a very interesting interpretation, because it indicates the extension over time of the fear of developing as a free person. It is a dream with great depth, that conveys the idea of ​​a person who does not live life as he wantssubject to external conditions and always conditioned by what they will say.

Dream that you are kidnapped in a dark place

The darkness in the dream expresses a lack of clairvoyance, obfuscation, confusion and pessimism, a nebulous state of mind in which you are unable to overcome circumstances to gain determination, security and efficiency. If you manage to interpret that dream, you will understand that you need a change in your life to start to get out of that darkness, and find the path of happiness.

Dream that a family member is kidnapped

Sometimes it is not you who stars in the dream, but a family member, and depending on the person who appears in the dream you will be able to interpret it in one way or another. If you dream that your child is kidnapped means the fear before his sudden maturity; If you dream that your father is kidnapped, it indicates concern about his financial problems, and if you dream about your mother, surely you are worried about her health problems.

Dream that they kidnap you and persecute you

It is a clear expression of remorse for a mistake from the past that haunts you and does not let you live. To dream that you are kidnapped and persecuted is, above all, an expression of insecurity, anguish and terror, which when you sleep your brain turns into a terrifying scene that symbolizes isolation and calls for redemption. It is time to confess everything and start a new life without regrets.

Dream about kidnapping children

When you dream of a kidnapping and children appear, you have to think of a meaning oriented to your projects, your ideas and your companies. Children symbolize the birth of something important, that however is conditioned by your fears and your insecurities. That threatens to make your projects fail, so dreaming of kidnapping children encourages you to face your professional challenges with enthusiasm.

Conclusion: if you dream that you are kidnapped, pay attention to your freedom

In short, dreaming that you are kidnapped supposes the expression through your subconscious of a real sensation of oppression and chaining, of lack of freedom and subjection to norms and conventions. Far from being a premonitory dream it is a liberating impulse that can mark a turning point if you become aware of the need to overcome that situation.

If you dream that the person who kidnaps you is someone you know, such as a family member or your friend, then you should think about the possibility that you have moved away from him and your brain expresses the need to approach you again. On the other hand, when you dream that a relative, such as a son, a father or a mother, is kidnapped, it means a fear of his sudden maturity, or problems with his health and his economy.

If it is you who is the protagonist of the dream, and you dream that you are kidnapped and you manage to escape, you are evolving towards a stronger personality, although if you dream that you are kidnapped and you cannot escape, you run the risk of being trapped in those chains that prevent you from making your own decisions.