What does it mean to dream of the person you like?: Dictionary of dreams

Are you thinking about that person all day and you can’t get them out of your head even in your dreams? You have to know that dreaming about the person you like is a normal reaction of the brain, which usually release through the subconscious the images that you are storing during the day through your thoughts. We reveal what it means to dream about the person you like according to our dream dictionary.

Dream dictionary: What does it mean to dream about the person you like?

The most modern scientific studies hypothesize that dreams are memory snippets from the previous day, and according to several studies, the accumulated thoughts in the last hours of the day tend to reproduce during the sleep phase. Furthermore, according to psychoanalysis, dreams are the oneiric expression of our most forbidden desires, the revelation of desires and wishes.

Those two explanations together explain perfectly why you dream about the person you like. And it is that dreaming about the person you like is the most normal thing in the world, it happens to many people and has a special meaning. The main reason for this dream is obsession.

Dreaming of the person you like indicates, first of all, your obsession with them: your repeated thoughts about that person consolidate their image in your brain during the day, and your subconscious releases it during sleep in different situations. Depending on the context of the dream, you will be able to interpret your relationship with that person in various ways and obtain valuable information on how to act.

Is it a healthy relationship that deserves you to continue betting on it? Or is it more of an obsession that will lead you to an unhealthy relationship? To decode the meaning of dreaming about the person you like, you have to analyze the variants of this type of dream.

Dreaming of the person you like: variants of this type of dream

Now you know that dreaming about the person you like reveals, above all, an exaggerated fixation on that person, an obsession. But the dream gives you other information that you have to pay attention to. Pay attention to the variants of this type of dream.

Dream that the person you like kisses you

In this case the meaning is double. In a simpler way, it reveals the most basic needs, your irrepressible desires to kiss that person. But also, dreaming that the person you like kisses you is the expression of affection and deep love. The kiss is the representation of affectivity, the sign of affection, respect and admiration, which is recreated in our subconscious as a symbol of love.

Dream that the person you like rejects you

Although many interpret it as a premonition, nothing is further from reality. To dream that the person you like rejects you is the expression of a fear, a paralyzing panic of rejection that prevents you from launching and show your love to that person. It is a liberating dream, because it invites you to shake off all the fears that grip you and declare your love confident in all your possibilities.

Dream that you hug the person you like

The hug is a display of affection, like the kiss, but while the kiss has more physical implications, the hug has an intellectual depth. To dream that you hug the person you like is the dream representation of your intellectual connection with that personalthough it also shows the need to feel protected, the feeling of loneliness and lack of affection.

Dream that you make love with the person you like

Dreaming that you make love with the person you like is the expression of a need, the obsession with a person taken to the extreme: the compelling urge to bond with that person. But the dream goes far beyond physical needs: psychoanalysis interprets dreaming of love with a person as the manifestation of a very deep feeling of love.

Dream that you sleep with the person you like

This is a very positive dream, which speaks of the perfect match between your needs and the character of the person you like. The staging of sleep conveys peace, relaxation and tranquility, and reflects that you have reached maturity when looking for qualities in the other person that make you feel fulfilled beyond sexual needs. This dream reveals fulfillment and lasting love.

Dream that you meet the person you like

When you are obsessed with a person you like very much and you dream that you meet them, it can have two interpretations. If you don’t know that person yet and you dream that you know them, transmit the need to know them and invites you to park your fears to launch yourself into its conquest. If you already know that person and dream that you know them, you have to rethink your relationship with them, start from scratch.

Dream that you argue with the person you like

It is the opposite meaning of dreaming that you sleep with the person you like. Dreaming that you are arguing with the person you are attracted to indicates contradictions in the personality of both of you and reveals that your love for her is probably more of an obsession born of physical attraction. The dream warns you that, if the relationship materializes, it has many numbers to end in failure.

To dream that the person you like saves you

It is a slightly strange dream that many times you find it difficult to find an explanation. Pay attention. According to dream psychoanalysis, to dream that the person you like saves you means that you are trying to draw attention to that person so that they pay attention to you. You have to overcome shyness and be more direct when establishing a relationship with that person.

Dream that you travel with the person you like

Dreaming that you travel with the person you like is not premonitory, it is not that you are going to make a trip with her, but it does give you very valuable information and it is also a very positive dream: your soul fits perfectly with the other person’s spirit. You are united by common interests and in the future you can share common projects with great enthusiasm and full of energy.

Dream that you talk to the person you like

To dream that you are in front of the person you like and you do not speak to him means fear and shyness, a communication block. Instead, dreaming that you talk to the person you like implies the need for action. It can be a very positive dream, because talk about rapport with the person you like and the many possibilities you have to end it and that everything goes well.

Conclusion: if you dream of the person you like, pay attention to your obsession

Thinking about the same person all day long makes our brain record their image and release it into the anarchic world of dreams, with rare scenes that many times we do not know how to interpret. First of all, you have to know that dreaming about the person you like reveals your obsession with her.+

Dreaming that you sleep with the person you like, or dreaming that you travel with the person you like, are examples of positive dreams that inform you that your love for her is deep, that you are united by bonds much stronger than simple physical attraction or sexual desire. Dreaming that you kiss the person you like, or that you hug him, expresses your physical and intellectual desire towards her.

However, dreaming that you argue with the person you like implies that you are afraid to launch yourself, that shyness blocks your desire to show your love. Along the same lines, dreaming that the person you like saves you implies that you are trying to draw attention to that person. In those cases, the dream is encouraging you to put fears aside and confess your love.