What does it mean to dream of sweets? Find out in the dictionary of dreams

dream of sweetsin general, brings many messages, mainly about our feelings and moments we are experiencing.

The most likely interpretations for that dream also have a lot to do with our love life and our relationships. But, dream of sweets it can also bring good or bad omens and alerts.

Also, it is important to make it clear that dreams about sweets have different meanings than dreams about chocolate (many people may think that they are the same dreams). Anyway, do you want to know more about what may be in store for you when you dream of sweets?

Do not miss it and see, below, various scenarios and contexts of this type of dream, what they want to tell you or show you and tips to do it well in each foreseen situation! Let’s start?

Dream that you see a candy

If you dream that you only see a sweet, but you do not taste it, it indicates that you have different wishes Y unfulfilled wisheswhich may be related to different fields of life.

Know that it is healthy to do what we want, as long as it does not harm us or interfere with the lives of others.

Analyze your secret desires and fulfill them, if possible. You will become someone much more experienced and satisfied with yourself and with life!

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Dream about spoiled chocolates

He dreamed that he was ready to try this delicacy, but realized that it was not in good condition. Therefore, dreaming of spoiled sweets is an alert that someone can pretend to be a friend, but it is a person interested Y envious.

Pay more attention to the attitudes of friends and watch for someone who usually comes to you only when it’s in their interest or who criticizes you a lot (this is usually a sign of envy Y repression). When identifying that person, try to stay as far away as possible.

However, do not go around talking about such a person, as you may be misunderstood and even overlook those who want to create intrigue either gossip. Each drawing their own conclusions, combined?

Dream of a box of chocolates

Dreaming of a box of sweets is a good omen. You will go through a phase where you will experience small pleasures in life, such as walk with friends or one loving couple, visit interesting placesparticipate in good conversationsetc.

Life isn’t all about big events, so make sure you cherish those simple moments. On the contrary, happiness is really in the little things.

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Dream of sweet milk

This is a dream in which its context is also not related to its most likely meaning. Dreaming of dulce de leche is a message about a moment that you have been experiencing.

The dream translates that you are in a phase of emotional deprivation. If you have a loving partner and you still feel needy, talk to him, because the partner can change some things in the relationship. But beware, don’t make big demands or blame your partner for your inner emptiness.

Singles, on the other hand, shouldn’t try to make ends meet by placing unrealistic expectations on other people. The best way to get rid of this feeling is to participate in pleasurable activities.

Always remember that the fault is something that has more to do with us than with a possible lack of love and attention from other persons. Get moving and send that inner emptiness that makes you feel sad and discouraged.

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Dream that you eat candy

This dream goes beyond the interpretation of the previous dream. dream with candy and eating one is a prediction that you will be able to fulfill your wishes, whatever they may be.

Dream about dark chocolate bonbon

The bitterness of the chocolate symbolizes bad omens. When dream about dark chocolate candiesthe prognosis is that it will have painful momentspossibly related to the love waves friendships.

There are chances of fights, separations and even breakups. All this will tend to make you feel pain and sadness.

If there is anything you can do to repair and reverse such boring situations, do it. But, if there is no «solution», go on with your life in peace.

Don’t get hurt by mistakes made by you or someone else. Let fate take care of everything!

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Dream About Sweet Cherries

It seems like a good dream, as many people prefer cherry candies. However, dreaming of sweet cherries does not bode well for your love life.

People in a relationship may experience conflicts, fights, betrayals and even separations.

Singles, on the other hand, may not be successful in Win the person you are interested in.

Regardless of what happens, give yourself strength. Besides, the other people involved aren’t the only interesting ones in the world, right? Suffer what you have to suffer and keep walking, since other special people will always appear in our way…

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Dream About White Candy

Sound with white candy is another message and a warning.

This type of dream usually reveals that you walk with a little fear to fight for the things you want (be it in any aspect of your life). This fear may be fear of failing or having to face many things. However, it sets goalsdesign strategies And keep going. Believe in your ability to overcome and achieve.

If you really don’t get the results you want, try again with other attitudes. Life is like that… We may have to make more than one attempt to achieve what we want. Never give up.

Dream that you eat a melted chocolate

Dream that you are eating a melted bonbon It may seem unpleasant, but you are faced with a dream that brings good news.

Melting chocolate is a sensual symbol. Therefore, moments of a lot of sensuality and attraction in your life, either with your love partner or with other people, in the case of singles.

However, the uncommitted should pay attention to one detail: do not confuse physical attraction with deeper feelings, lest injure either be disappointedok?

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Dream that you win a candy gift

Good dream. yesTo dream that you win a candy gift indicates moments of fun in sight.

There will be many invitations to parties, visits, travel and lively meetings. You should also meet interesting and lively people.

Take advantage of these pleasant moments to replenish your energy. Just don’t exaggerate the «problems» as we all have a parallel life full of commitments, responsibilities Y obligations to meet Dreams can hold our attention, because sometimes it comes back to our thoughts during the day.