What does it mean to dream of lice, it is a terrible reality!

There are many theories about What does it mean to dream about licebut here we will solve your doubts.

In the world of dreams, everything has an explanation and dreaming of lice can become a nightmare for many. The truth is that its meaning will have a lot to do with your current situation in real life and the attitude you have in the dream.

dream of lice

When talking about this dream, many people say that it can be betrayal, jealousy and envy. However, others trust that it is synonymous with prosperity because lice are directly linked to money, which also if you are interested in this topic, dreaming of money has this meaning.

Dream of lice and kill them

It indicates that you need to calm your thoughts. That is to say that you have several concerns and it is time to make a stop along the way and address one issue at a time.

Meaning of dreaming of head lice

You may experience that you have many head lice and this only means that there are several people who want to harm you, manipulate you or are even speaking ill of you.

What does it mean to dream of many lice?

It means that there is jealousy, envy, problems or in the worst case that a serious illness is approaching. That is why you must be aware of the situations that surround you.

Here we tell you other meanings of dreaming about these uncomfortable little animals.

Dreaming of another person’s lice

However, it can not only occur in the dream that you have lice yourself. But that they are in someone else’s head, which immediately changes the meaning of the dream. Since when it is this way, it refers to someone close to you who is going through serious problems and needs help.

Meaning of dreaming of black lice

If in your dream you see that the lice are completely black, you should be careful. Many say that it is someone who wants to hurt you, so you should be especially careful with people you do not trust very much.

Dreaming of lice is money?

Some dream interpreters are a bit more positive about these little animals. That is why they believe that this topic is indicative of money, economic improvement and success at the work level.

Dream of white lice

Many times it is associated with the existence of problems that are not complicated but that you would be thinking about too much. These white lice would symbolize that it is time to be careful and begin to solve these difficulties gradually, without stressing yourself too much and looking for alternatives to eradicate them at the root.

What is it to dream of big and fat lice?

When it comes to large lice, it is an issue that relates to affective life. So its meaning could be interpreted as the person who is dreaming of that situation feels inferior to her partner.

In addition, it could be classified as an aspect of the workplace, where a boss or someone with authority makes that person feel intimidated.

If lately you dream that you are experiencing different situations, in Vibra you can learn a little more about the meaning of dreams… In a single click.