What does it mean to dream of chickens? Find out in the dream dictionary

Dreams are ways that the unconscious has to alert us to our own feelings or emotions, and often to make us aware of what is to come. A chicken is a symbol of concern for what others think and for friendships. In a broader sense, it is also related to the perfectionism and with the fortune-tellers – gossip.

Sleep in itself is neither good nor bad, it depends on other factors. Dreaming of chickens or hens can be a sign of happy times, fertility, creativity, prosperity, and can also be a sign of bad omens, self-sacrifice or cowardice.. The meaning changes according to the moment you are going through and the way you see the bird in your dream.

Dreaming of animals and birds can be related to the images that we have seen recently, so before interpreting your dream, be aware of what you have eaten or where you have walked in recent days, you can dream of a chicken if you have small children at home, because the phrase `keep children under wing’ refers to this, then it will not have a hidden meaning, only an unconscious one.

If you do not have any contact with a chicken or chicken, or through communication channels – television, internet – and have recently dreamed of chickens in some of the following contexts, your dream interpretation will be closer to the truth.

Dream of a hen that lays eggs or chicks

If it is a single egg, it is a sign that things will be financially limited, but there is no harbinger of necessity. Dreaming of a pair of eggs is a bad signalso be careful.

When in a dream, a hen lays several eggs, it is a sign of many Profitsor even when there are several eggs, but no sign of the hen that laid them, there are windfalls on the way.

If, on the other hand, the hen is incubating eggs, or there is a litter, it is a sign of success through work as a result of their efforts. The dream also indicates a prosperous life and happiness in the relationship.

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Dreaming of a white or growing chicken

A chicken or chicken, both white and strong, is a sign of adventure Y fun in sight. If they are new chickens that are growing, it is a sign of successas long as you work hard on your plans.

Dream of a black chicken

A black hen means small inconvenience for him eyeIt is better to remain calm and not worry so much.

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dream of chickens

If you dream of a chicken, on a farm or walking, the dream can mean a lack of self opinion in a given situation, or even that he needs to be less faithful to what he is told.

Dreaming of a chicken farm without having a relationship in real life

When you dream of a farm, and you have nothing to do with birds, nor have you recently seen or had contact with chickens and hens, it is a sign of fertility Y creativity.

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Dream of a farm full of chickens

Here the dream is a good omen if the farm is hersis a sign of financial rewards. Especially if you deal with chickens and catch them in the dream. This is recognition for your work and your money along the way.

If the farm is another personyou can indicate that your work is in risk or that there are sacrifices on the way.

Dream of dead or sleeping chicken

Dreaming of a dead chicken, lying down, or sleeping, indicates Fake friendsask to be careful with the people around.

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Dream that you are eating chicken

When you dream that you have already eaten a meal with chicken, which has already been served, this is a good sign, it represents the realization of a dream or the ending of a project soon.

Dream that they serve you a chicken on a tray

If in the dream the chicken appears as a form of food, but it is not eaten, but only served or served at the table, it is a sign of treason by the friends.

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Dream about scratching or clucking chickens

If the scratch of the hen is a sign that some distant relative or friend is about to come to visit, and if he laughs, it is a sign that there will be rumors Y gossip.

When you dream of the clucking of a chicken while it scratches itself, your visitors will bring you news that deserves a second attention, because not all of it is true.

To dream that you are in the middle of many chickens at work

This dream may indicate that you are wasting a lot of time on gossip, and wasting its Energy on unimportant things.

If you are hunting a chicken, it may indicate that your work is not recognized as you would like.

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Dream about chickens attacking you

If you dream that you are near a chicken that attacks you with a peck, it is a sign of professional changes.

If the chicken attacks you and runs away, or just runs away from you, it may indicate that you are having difficulties to focus your thoughts on worked and choose a certain career.