What does it mean to dream of an onion? Find out in the dictionary of dreams

Dreaming of onions is a dream that, in general, does not indicate positive things. It is a dream whose many interpretations usually indicate problems in various areas of life: money, work, relationships, among others.

However, it can, in some cases, bring good news. It all depends on the context and the dream plot, as with all other types of dreams.

Many people even think that dreaming about onions is related to dreaming about garlic. However, even if some interpretations are similar, we are talking about different dreams.

Dream that you eat a boiled onion

To dream that you are eating a cooked onion is a positive prediction. The dream indicates that you will succeed over potential people that cross your path, trying to hurt you.

| Pixabay: ulleo

These malicious people can be from your professional environment or from the cycle of friends, for example. The important thing is to be attentive to whoever shows up, giving indications that they want to bump into you. Do not fall into provocations and remain firm, however, calm.

Dream that you eat a raw onion

Dreaming of onions and eating them raw is no longer a dream with good omens. Indicates the appearance of some problems in your life, mainly work-related. There may be arguments or conflicts with colleagues or mistakes made by you in your activities. But despair in these situations will not help you at all, on the contrary.

Therefore, if you have a conflict with another person at work, try to come back to yourself and act rationally, controlling impulses and emotions.

Attempt to resolve the misunderstanding with the other person, even if management intervention is necessary. If you make a mistake during your tasks, by all means, correct it. Ask your superior for help, if necessary.

Do not try to hide a mistake, as this can make your situation worse. Believe in your ability to overcome problems that luck will surely help you in these difficult times.

Dream about several onions

Another dream that indicates the need to believe in yourself and in your power to overcome. That is because dreaming of several onions is a sign that you must face rivalries.

People will disturb your peace of mind due to envy or even not appreciating you. The advice to get it right in this situation is similar to the one given in the previous dream: don’t fall for provocation. Also, stay calm and rational. However, do not passively accept attitudes that may offend or even harm you. Stand up and show the limit of these people in relation to your space.

Dream about frying or cooking onion

Here we have a very good dream. Dream about onions and cooking or frying food it is a sign of professional success and, consequently, financial. You may receive a promotion, a pay raise, or even get an opportunity at a great company.

Those who are unemployed can also celebrate it as this dream foretells that a replacement will happen soon in the market. In the case of people who have their own business, new associations and clients must appear.

Dream About Sliced ​​Onions

Dreaming of onion slices is not a dream with good omens. It is a prediction that some results of the plans you have been drawing may not be positive, as you expect.

| Getty Images Pro: harmpeti

But obviously this is no reason to be discouraged. If you really «failed» on a project, review the reasons why your goals were not achieved. change strategies and try again. Remember that life is like that for all of us, that is, sometimes we lose to learn the right way to achieve what we want.

Dream about peeled onions

Dreaming of a peeled onion is a dream with encouraging omens. Do you know those problems, which are not even that serious, but which prevented you from achieving various goals and dreams? So, the good news is that, very soon, they will be removed from your path. So keep going through these setbackssince luck is on your side.

Dream about purple onions

Dreaming of red onion is a good dream. It asks you to pay more attention to your surroundings, as there is someone very interested in you. If you already have a date, it’s best to try to find out who that person is so you don’t come across as catering to your interests. As for singles, it is interesting to know who that person is, because you may also be interested in the person.

Dream that you are peeling an onion

This dream, unfortunately, brings bad omens. To dream that you are peeling an onion symbolizes your tears. You are likely to experience disappointment in love or with people close to you. However, this suffering of yours can be alleviated and shortened if you believe that we are not responsible for the sometimes unfair and cruel attitudes of the other. Also try to learn from this unpleasant fact what this dream predicts.

we can be stronger and learn a lot about life and people from disappointments. Faith, self-love, and resilience will see you through this anticipated time.

⬇️ Click below to read: ‘What does it mean to dream of a pineapple? Find out in the dictionary of dreams’ ⬇️

Dream About Onion Leaves

Here is a dream that has to do with your financial life. The leaves represent abundance. Therefore, you can get excited if you dream of onion leaves.

Everything indicates that you will prosper very soon and you will be able to be more relaxed in relation to your finances. Nevertheless, remember to always use your money wisely, without unnecessary expenses. One piece of advice is to take advantage of the fact that your financial life tends to improve and make a capital reserve. After all, we never know things won’t go so well, relative to our financial situation.