What does it mean to dream of a mattress? Find out in the dictionary of dreams

Dreaming of mattresses is usually something very pleasant, because it reminds us of sleep and warmth. However, this dream does not only have positive interpretations…

Dreaming of the mattress, depending on the plot and the context, can also be a harbinger of negative events. Also, this type of dream can contain messages and alerts, which are always important so that we can take measures to avoid any bad event.

It is also worth mentioning that dream of a mattress It can be related to several areas of our life, such as: love, finances, profession, among others.

Will we discover more about what each type of mattress dream can mean? So, discover now the interpretations of dreaming about a mattress!

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Dream of a new mattress

Dreaming of a new mattress provides good things. The omen is that good news will probably come in your professional life.

The image of the new mattress symbolizes these new facts that must cross their path.

Wait for the manifestation of this good news with excitement, but without anxiety, okay? Anxiety can postpone the events in our life, don’t let that happen…

Dream of old mattresses

This dream indicates that you are attached to unpleasant events of the past. What has happened should serve us only as learning.

So if you dream of an old mattress, make an effort to get rid of uncomfortable memories.

If not, seek professional emotional/mental help. Staying stuck in these memories can disrupt your daily life and damage your emotional health, even leading to depression. Take care of yourself!

Dream that you jump on a mattress

Here is a dream that brings an important message to those who dream. To dream that you jump on a mattress is a warning to let the side childish show more.

It does not mean that the dreamer should start acting immature in serious day-to-day situations and commitments.

But it is possible have fun a lot with our child when we are in moments of relaxation and leisure.

Taking advantage of these moments, in addition to being healthy, provides more energy to face adult life again, which is full of challenges and commitments.

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Dream that you are lying on a mattress

¡I dream of very good portents! To dream that you are lying on a mattress is a prediction that you will be able to achieve a goal for which you have been striving, possibly in the field. professional.

A promotion, a pay raise, or even an opportunity to work in a better location can serve you well.

Enjoy and make sure you continue dedicating yourself to your professional life, you always have new goals to improve more and more, right?

And if you find yourself unemployed, you can rejoice! Soon there will be opportunities to put you back on the job market. Wait with faith and without anxiety.

Dream of a clean mattress

A very pleasant dream and with great omens. Dreaming of a clean mattress indicates that you will enter a phase of life full of satisfaction Y serenity.

Enjoy this cycle a lot and thank life for this true gift. It is not always that our life enters a stage of tranquility and total peace…

Dream about dirty mattresses

Dreaming of a dirty mattress indicates an emotional state that you have been experiencing. It translates that you feel pressured by some situation.

Staying this way causes a lot of stress. harmful Y emotional exhaustion. Discuss what you can do to relieve this pressure you are experiencing. With that, your life and mind will improve a lot. Don’t be afraid to face the situations that will solve this pressure you feel, right?

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dream of a big mattress

another dream with good omens. Dreaming of a large mattress indicates a great phase in your life. loving.

For those who already have a partner, a lot of complicity, love and affection are expected. Singles tend to meet very interesting people, who can offer you intense moments of romance!

Dream of a small mattress

dream that brings good news. Dreaming of a small mattress is a prediction that a new life between members of your family or cycle of friends.
It may even be that this new little person comes to you! You may have also dreamed of pregnancy and it is closely related.

When you hear the news of someone’s pregnancy (or even you or your partner, if you’re a man), celebrate and thank life for this gift!

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Dream of a spring mattress

¡I dream of good portents! Dreaming of a spring mattress predicts that your life will enter a good and satisfactory phase, in practically all sectors.

Enjoy this true treasure that life offers you, because we are not always comfortable and safe in the face of everyday challenges, right?

Dream of a mattress on the floor

Here is a dream that is also a alert. Dreaming of the mattress on the floor is a warning that you have been dreaming and imagining too much, instead of acting rationally.

In short, the dream asks you to be more «realistic.» Dreaming and imagining is not prohibited, but we can’t let ourselves be carried away more by fantasy than by reality, don’t you think?

So, start seeing the real world around you better now!

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Dream of a bed without a mattress

A very strange dream, since it is difficult to find a bed without a mattress. But if you have that kind of dream it is, in general, a feeling that you have been feeling.

You feel needy Y disgusted by people, which brings you melancholy. Watch and see if you are really being ignored or just your imagination.

If you come to the conclusion that you are really alone, try reaching out to people you know to turn your life around. If it’s «your head,» get rid of those bad thoughts and enjoy more company with those who love you, so you don’t feel it anymore.

Dream that you keep money under the mattress

This dream is a good omen, which has nothing to do with its plot. He predicts that his struggle to achieve professional and financial goals is not in vain.

In other words, dreaming of money under the mattress (an old habit of the elderly) indicates that all the efforts and sacrifices you have made so far will be rewarded with the achievement of your goal. Congratulations and keep being that persistent and focused person!

Dream of a soft mattress

Dreaming of a soft mattress indicates that you feel very comfortable with yourself.. This is very good, as it is directly related to your self-esteem, which is essential for us to live well with ourselves and with the world.

Just be careful and don’t confuse high self-esteem with arrogance, right? Being arrogant is not good, because it reveals that, deep down, you don’t have good self-esteem, but yes, you have to show people that you are enough, although not completely…

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Dream of a hard mattress

This is already a dream with not very good omens. Dreaming of a hard mattress is a prediction of difficulties and discomforts in some area of ​​your life, such as dreaming of a broken chair.

The sectors affected by these setbacks can be: love, family, professional, financial, among others.

Regardless of the sector with which you have problems, do not be afraid to face them, because only then will you solve them.

Seek, if necessary, the support of people you trust in these difficult times and do not be discouraged. With determination, endurance, and faith, you will surely be free of these anticipated obstacles as soon as you think about it. Good luck!

Dream about an inflatable mattress

Good news for those who dream of an inflatable mattress. The omen of this dream is closely related to the context of the mattress.

Inflatable mattresses are usually used for travel, right? And then, did you discover what awaits you? Same thing! Invitations for incredible trips and excursions should be made by friends and family and enjoyed all of them, okay?

In addition to visiting new places and having fun, you will return from these trips and tours with renewed energy to face the routine and the day to day.

Dreams can hold our attention, because sometimes it comes back to our thoughts during the day.

The most likely explanation is that they are guidelines, advice, and a warning about the way we conduct our lives. So, follow all your dream meanings and see what the message is.