What does it mean to bring a hanging ring and dactylomancy (esoteric)

What does it mean to wear a hanging ring Since ancient times, human beings have used rings as a symbol of power or simply as an ornament. However, why doesn’t a person wear a ring on his finger but rather hang it around his neck?

There are multiple reasons why someone wears a ring hanging around their neck, ranging from the simplest to those that are considered esoteric.

Let’s start with what it means to wear a ring hanging basic reasons.


What does it mean to bring a hanging ring (basic reasons)

Today, a person may wear a ring around their neck as an ornament or for practical reasons. The type of work that is done can lead to not wearing a ring on the finger and instead wearing it hanging on a chain or necklace around the neck.

Those who work with harsh chemicals, latex gloves, or do manual labor are likely to take this approach. The purpose is that they do not damage your rings, especially if the material they are made of is fragile.

Health reasons can also be one of them. Having arthritis is painful and in that case wearing a ring would be out of the question. For others, it might be a less serious situation.

Gaining weight would mean that a ring no longer fits you and that is why you have to be creative. Also, if your fingers tend to swell with strenuous activity or during pregnancy, then you’ll want to remove the ring to prevent it from getting stuck and pinching your finger.

How about a ring with sentimental value attached to it but that doesn’t fit? Women will take a ring that means something to them and put it on a necklace. It could be a promise ring to signify a vow they made (for example not to put it on their finger until they reach the marriage) or a ring their mother wore but it doesn’t fit, or they got it from someone they care about.

It is also not uncommon to see women who have lost their partners (boyfriends or even husbands) wear the ring of the deceased in this way.

In the specific case of men, putting a ring on a necklace is because they do not want to lose it when they take out the garbage, work out at the gym or do other activities that require them to use their hands.


Esoteric ring or dactylomancy

We have seen several reasons why people usually wear a ring hanging. However, from an esoteric point of view, a hanging ring can be used as a method of divination.

Divination using a dangling ring, called dactylomancy, was very popular with the early Romans.

In the Middle Ages, specially crafted rings were in fashion for this form of divination. These rings had an astrological theme and each was appropriate for use in Fingerprinting on a particular day of the week.

The ring of the Sun, which was worn on Sundays, was made of Prayed and had a peridot carved with the image of a lion-headed serpent.

A Luna ring, worn on Mondays, was made of silver and set with a quartz crystal engraved with two crescent moons.

The ring worn on Tuesdays was a Mars ring, made of iron and with a ruby ​​bearing the image of a serpent = “Venus” biting into the hilt of a sword.

In the case of the Mercury ring, which was worn on Wednesdays, it was made of tin or lead, with a carnelian engraved with a caduceus.

The Jupiter ring, worn on Thursdays, was made of tin with a topaz engraved with an eagle and a pentagram.

On Fridays a ring of Venus copper set with an emerald carved with the symbol of sexual union.

Finally, the ring that was used on Saturdays was the ring of Saturnmade of lead and set with an onyx with the image of a snake surrounding a stone.


Dactylomancy How it was practiced

To perform this type of medieval dactylomancy, seventy-eight additional metal discs were made, three for each letter of the alphabet, which were engraved on their faces. These rings were then placed on a round table marked with the signs of the zodiac and the planets.

The appropriate ring was suspended above the table at the end of a linen thread. After the incantations, a consecrated torch was applied to the thread. Like burnt linen, the ring fell on the table. This procedure was repeated seven times, and the letters on which the ring rolled and the one that stopped were grouped together to form an answer to the question.

There were several different methods of ring divination at one time or another. In the most common form, the ring was worn as a pendulum, indicating a yes or no answer to a particular question by the direction in which it swung or rotated. Human hair was sometimes used to suspend the ring, especially when the querent wanted to know if his illness was the result of being bewitched. The direction the ring moves indicates the origin of the spell and possibly the guilty party.


Other forms of dactylomancy

In a variant of this method, the ring pendulum was held over a circle or table inscribed with letters and numbers, like on a Ouija board. The messages were then spelled out. In fact, there are some indications that our modern Ouija boards have evolved from these crude tabletop oracles.

In another method, the ring was dropped into a container with Water and its position at the bottom determined the prediction or the answer to a question asked. Sometimes the inner bottom of the bowl contained a special pattern and/or imprinted symbols, to aid in forecasting.

In yet another method, the ring hangs from a thread in a half-filled container of water. The rope of the ring shakes and the number of times the ring hits the wall of the container determines the prediction.

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In an obscure form of dactylomancy, rings of gold, silver, copper, iron or lead in the fingernails at certain planetary conjunctions; Wedding rings were said to be ideal for this purpose, although no detailed description of this method currently exists.

You can perform modern ring fortune telling at home if you wish. Simply thread a thread into a ring, preferably a gold wedding band. Suspend in an empty glass and ask your question. If the ring hits the glass only once, the answer is yes. If twice, no. Be sure to wait a few moments after the first hit to see if another hit will follow.

Dactyliomancy is quite old and is believed to be one of the earliest forms of dowsing.


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