What does dreaming with snakes mean? Discover their messages in our dictionary

We all know people who are afraid of snakes, right? Even that person may actually be ourselves, and we suffer when we see a movie with these reptiles, and we prefer to avoid the area of ​​these graceful animals when we visit a zoo.

The snake is an animal that is part of our lives thanks to popular and even religious culture (the demon that turned into a snake and tempted Eve with the forbidden fruit from the Garden of Eden).

And the strangest thing of all is that in our daily lives we have few or no options to face a snake, and even less if it is poisonous. However, snakes do sometimes creep into our dreams, slithering around our psyches as we try to rest.

In the following report, we will delve into what it means to dream of snakes, and what the dream dictionary says about our personality or our future depending on the way they appear.

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Dream dictionary: What does it mean to dream about snakes?

In our dreams, the dictionary tells us that the snake is an image of the desire that dwells within our being, even if we want to deny them. A desire that is also included in its sexual aspect, the libido that gives free rein to our passion between the sheets. And also the desire to live that drives us to row in the river of life, to advance towards new projects.

But as we said, the snake is also scary, and even within our dreams it causes a kind of panic that makes us fear its bite and that it will lead to our own death, which of course is merely symbolic.

In this sensedeath would be a transit, and the snake would push us to a new stage of our lifeto move forward even in new environments and dealing with fronts that did not exist until then.

Dreaming of snakes: Variants of this type of dream

When we have dreams with snakes, they can have various sizes and appearances, and we can interact with them in a thousand and one ways. Next, we will analyze the most common dreams that exist with these reptiles.

Dream of a snake and be afraid

Do you see an asp or a python in your dream and run away? The dream dictionary indicates that you have a hard time dealing with the unknown. That the uncertainty that there is or will be in your life chokes you.

Dream of a snake and be friendly

If this is what happens while Morpheus holds you in his arms, your brain is inviting you to face your fears. Thus, if the snake is docile (it may even be your pet in your dream!) will tell us that the solution to your problems is close, or the healing of the health problem you have. And it is that the snake also has a healing meaning, and yet, surely you have seen animals like this in medical or pharmaceutical symbols.

Dream of a snake shedding its skin

Snakes usually shed their skin to grow, and in the process repair their wounds and get rid of some annoying parasites. And although it seems somewhat complex, many people dream that they attend this curious moment of nature. If this is your case, dream dictionary reveals significant changes in our lifethat like that reptile we could see ourselves completely changed in the nearest future.

Dream of killing a snake

Like Perseus when he cut the neck of Medusa the Gorgon, the one with snake hair according to Greek myth, if in our dreams we kill a snake or cut off its head it means success. That we can and will know how to get out of the most mundane difficulties.

Dream that there are snakes in your hair

Continuing with the character of Medusa, if in your dream your hair is replaced by snakes, stop giving so much relevance to useless and trivial things. Find your deep side.

Dream of a snake chasing you

We won’t always be able to fight the snakes! And if in our dream this animal chases us, the dream dictionary brings to the fore a discouraging situation that stalks us in our day to day. Some emotions that we do not know how to work and channel, and that will not disappear unless we face them.

Dream that a snake attacks us

Alert! There is a difficult situation in your life, and your mind is warning you through this dream, so try to be more aware from now on to better handle adversity. If it also bites you, be careful with that matter that you have avoided, the one that seems disturbing or excessively disturbing to you. In the event that there is also poison, it will be the representation of that negative influence, such as a toxic relationship, or gossip that damages your morale.

Dream that a snake eats you

If in the dream the reptile ends up devouring you, it means that you have to live a personal rebirth. Get rid of everything that surrounds you and does not interest you, and relearn in the most basic way. Take the superfluous out of your life.

Dream of snakes attacking each other

Are there problems in your group of friends? Nope? Well, this is what this dream is announcing.

Conclusion: if you dream of snakes pay attention to your wishes

Inside your stomach there is a new desire, which you may or may not be aware of. But your dreams tell you that you have to get to know yourself better, be more honest with yourself and master this new situation. You have to be the charmer who plays the flute so that the snake dances to its beat.

Wake up, open your eyes, because new situations are being created before you and you don’t want to look. She finds the right instruments to take a bull by the horns.

Plus, be a little suspicious of those around you: there are things that you hide, something that you are really already smelling. Discover the cake before it has consequences for you. Your psyche insists on this point: you need to be aware of what is happening around you, to frustrate it and act accordingly. Stay alert!