What does ATC mean in social networks | 👁

Count to ten, teach empathy, notice occasions and chat closely, abiding by the tone of the brand. These are some suggestions to offer optimal Customer Service in the communities.

Execute or Augmented Traffic Control

Assim that the program is coming soon to execute, execute the service (with superuser permissions) by typing:

And it will also start to be executed in the background. We have the possibility to easily call the WebUI to determine adapted conditions without the need to change the configuration files by writing:

Reply to each and every message

If you must grant a team to do this job, do it Oh!

First, because for many communities promptly answering private messages is an essential KPI that must be met, and second, because being well attended will always be well received by users.

Put yourself in their shoes. If you have a problem with your product, you want someone to be willing to guide you through it, right?

A timely BC can make a big difference in how your customers perceive you.

For example, you can support yourself by exposing a CTA button on Facebook to send instant messages for requests or problems.


It is the abbreviation used to notify that there is a third person (or much more) in a chat. It means With Copy to…

It is short for email or mail.

Tools and tracking

The global Customer Service model must integrate a standardized tracking system that allows the incessant analysis of outcomes in each and every business unit for decision-making. When choosing the administration and tracking tool, the developed model and each and every one of the elements, CRM tools and internal processes of the company will be kept in mind to contemplate each and every one of the claims. Some good help desk management tools are Salesforce, Hootsuite, Sprinklr, or Microsoft Dynamics CRM. The main tasks that the team will have to carry out with the chosen tool will be:

  • Tracking and tracing lies.
  • Management of messages on social channels.
  • Measurement of response times, volume of messages managed by category…
  • Visualization of a dashboard with the established KPIs.

Why are Social Networks the perfect place to develop an optimal ATC?

People want to chat with manufacturers and they changed the way they do that a long time ago.

  • Before, we would pick up the phone to carry out our request or claim.
  • Then we switched to e-mail communication
  • Right now the communities are our preferred channel to praise or criticize any of them. Still send them a private message.