What does a kiss on the forehead mean?

We detail you what does a kiss on the forehead mean from your partner. In addition, we explain why other people do it.

Although we think that kissing is a very human custom that occurs naturally among romantic couples, the truth is that its origin is very different; many anthropologists think that it arose during prehistory when the mother passed the chewed food to her young son, mouth to mouth.

Several historians believe that the romantic use of the kiss is more recent. For example, the oldest representation of one of them can be found in India, around 1500 BC, a time from which erotic images that include kisses are preserved.

However, there are many kinds of kisses and each one of them has its particular meaning, either because of its intensity or because of the place on your body where you receive it: the lips, the hand or the forehead, which is what we are going to analyze in this note.

What does a kiss on the forehead from your partner mean?

during intimacy

According to clinical sexologists, a romantic kiss on the forehead carries a lot of emotional closeness. If your partner plants one of those on you during intercourse, it could mean that they see you as more than just a passing thing.


If he gives you that kind of kiss after making love, it means that he enjoyed it a lot, not only because of the act itself, but because of the connection he feels with you. It may be his way of expressing that he is all yours and wants you to be his. Rest assured that he will not leave you soon.

In public

It means that he wants to protect you, that implies that he cares about you and thinks about your well-being very often or all the time. But beware, if it becomes a habit or replaces a kiss that should be on the lips, it can hide a problem in the relationship; remember that sex is like the glue that binds the couple together and should not be neglected.

What does a kiss on the forehead of a friend mean?

When that happens, it is most likely that that friend has other intentions with you and does not see you only as a friend. Most likely, he is cultivating the ground in your heart and then trying to win you over.

What does it mean to kiss the forehead

If you kiss anyone on the forehead, it means that you have a special connection with that person, regardless of whether it is a child in the family, your grandmother or even your partner. Never give this type of kiss if it is not born 100% from the heart.

What does it mean when they kiss you on the forehead?

When a person not very close to you kisses you in this place, it may be because you inspire tenderness and want to take care of you; It can also mean that he has respect or admiration for you. In any case, this gesture is very symbolic and you should never let it pass without meditating on it.

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