What do tarot cards mean?


A fortune telling is based on randomness. The letters from tarot are drawn at random and O tarologist analyzes the images to interpret situations and direct attitudes of those who seek this oracle.

The most traditional tarot deck is the Marseille deck, whose origin is not well defined: it is believed what appeared in the middle of the 15th century. It is composed of two groups of cards: the major arcana and the minor arcana. The larger ones bring 22 images full of symbology, representing human archetypes and can stimulate reactions in people, in addition to improving The self-development capacity.

See, below, the interpretation of the first 6 cards. To check the explanation of the other cards, check out the Part 2 and the part 3 of this matter.

1) O crazy (0)

Represented by a young what walk The evenly dressed in clothes whatreminiscent of a court jester, O Crazy is a reminder of spiritual nature of life’s journey. It’s him what will go through 21 evolutionary stages (the other 21 cards) what every man can walk in life. O Crazy is seen from the back, with a stick in his right hand, carrying a stick with a bundle over his shoulder, an image what suggests someone at the beginning of a trip. He too he has the pants torn by a dog, but ignores O animal, what represents O material world, in favor of your spiritual journey. In cartomancy, O Crazy is also interpreted as The spontaneity, The carefree and The overcoming limits. AND O arcanum of search and love.

two) O Mage (I)

This figure is standing, facing a table in what place instruments. he wears a hat what remember O infinity symbol, holds a coin in one hand and a kind of wand in the other. A table he has feet firmly on the floor, O what suggests a stable base and represents The material reality. Despite that, The mage’s nature tends The indicate what everything is illusory – The own wand in one hand and The coin in the other would be a trick to divert The our attention elsewhere. O people’s focus would be O world of matter or O spiritual? That’s why what O mage is considered O arcanum of relationship between O personal effort and The divine reality. This letter opens O game of life, being O mystic arcana.

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3) The Popess (II)

A figure of the Pope, by itself, already alludes The a legend from the Middle Ages: The supposed existence of a female pope. In addition to representing O woman power in all its aspects (as The beauty, O love and The intuition), A Popess carries a sacred statute, because of the image of the cross on her robes. Another important element is O book between hands. Arcanum of Wisdom, A Popess symbolically holds O knowledge of all the secrets of the Universe. Your crown reveals The heavenly authority, while O throne would be The representation of earthly power. In cartomancy, A popess symbolizes O incognito, O unknown, O fact of what not everything what The people imagine may be visible to us.

4) The Empress (III)

This is O arcanum of fertility and motherhood. Although many symbols in this card suggest authority, such as O scepter, The crown and O throne, A Imperatriz brings a feature very present in the archetype of a mother: open arms (unlike those of the Papess, closed), what mean a person what rule by love and what by love is governed. A Empress card is related The one great capacity for work and sacrifice in support of a cause – something natural for mothers -, maintaining a relationship with The quest for bodily perfection. At the tarot, O negative side of the image is The possibility to indicate a tendency to The greed and lust.

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5) The Emperor (IV)

if O previous arcane, A Empress, symbolizes The mother, O arcane O emperor portrays The father figure. Therefore, this is O arcane what represents authority and obedience. So much what The figure appears to hold a belt with one hand in a bossy gesture. His scepter is held firmly upright, in a phallic representation of male authority. A Emperor’s posture also highlights The practical nature: instead of being seated, he appears leaning against the throne, ready to The action. On the positive side, O Emperor represents a person of dominant character, loyal, honest and protective. But “rule”, without O proper domain, can also take The ambition and The violence

6) O Pope (V)

A fifth card of the major arcana is O Pope. As is to be expected, he is O link between two worlds, acting as God’s mouthpiece on Earth and intercessor of men with the heavens. This is symbolized by the position between two columns. O Pope uses a glove to hold a scepter, indicating purity, while The another hand is raised in the traditional benediction gesture, with two fingers extended. Those who receive the graces are two kneeling figures, one pointing to O heaven and another to The earth, demonstrating The connection of the spiritual world and divine knowledge with O our human, material world. These symbolisms associate O pope The figure of a mediator, someone what can find exit for seemingly hopeless situations

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