What currency models has Brazil already used?


In the safes of Cabral’s squadron came “O Português”, the main coin of the period, minted in 35.5 g of gold. He also brought the réis (plural of “real”), a currency that was used in Brazil until 1942. Throughout our colonial period, they circulated throughout the country. the same coins from Portugal, with names like “Indian” and “São Vicente”

16th century

In the absence of metallic coins, many “alternatives” ran during the colonial period. Even cotton cloth, tobacco, cocoa and cloves were used as an instrument of exchange! But the most curious story is that of the juniper, a small shell used as currency on the African coast, mainly in Angola. In Brazil, they existed in droves – a full plate for the Portuguese, who began to exchange them for blacks in Africa. So much zimbo was taken there that the currency completely devalued.


With the Iberian Union, the spanish silver coin began to circulate officially in Brazil. At the end of the pact, in 1642, Portugal restored its independence, but it was broken. To save money, instead of producing new coins, he began to stamp the Spanish ones with the symbol of the Portuguese crown.


The first coin made in Brazil was not Brazilian. While occupying the Northeast, the Dutch began to mint very rustic versions of guilders (the Dutch currency at the time) to pay his soldiers


The first national Mint appears, in Bahia. It manufactures our first official coin in gold and silver, the pataca


The most powerful currency that has ever circulated in the world is Brazilian: the doubloon. Valued at the height of mining in Minas Gerais, a single copy bought 190 liters of olive oil, 9,600 eggs or 12 oxen. Made with 55 g of gold, this “mini fortune” circulated for just three years


O shield it was the first coin from Portugal with the ruler on one side and the arms of the kingdom on the other. Some versions showed stages in the life of Queen Maria I: with her husband, Dom Pedro III; alone after his death; and finally, with jewelry and ribbons in her hair.


Not every coin was round. With the decline of mining, Portugal began to withhold 20% of all the gold mined in the country: it was the «fifth». Once it was turned into a bar and marked with the royal seal, it circulated like money.

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Dom Pedro I rejects his portrait on the 6,400 réis coin minted for celebrate his coronation. Only 64 copies are produced and become a rare collector’s piece.


With the Proclamation of the Republic, in 1889, the coat of arms of Brazil replaced the imperial coat of arms on the kings. Until this year, versions of réis were still circulating with even lower values ​​in copper and nickel. The 100 coin became known as tostão, a term still associated with little money


comes the cruise. The following years are a mess in the economy. Plagued by inflation and changes in government, the country changed its currency (and currency models) seven times: Cruzeiro Novo (1967), Cruzeiro (1970), Cruzado (1986), Cruzado Novo (1989), Cruzeiro (1990) and Cruzeiro Real (1993) until arriving at Real (1994)


In an attempt to remedy the economic crisis, the real. For the first time, a Brazilian coin features the Effigy of the Republic (that female face that also appears on banknotes). In 1998, updates appear in different colors, sizes and metals to facilitate handling


Casa da Moeda launched nine commemorative World Cup items. The gold one weighs 4.4 g and costs R$ 1,180!


How many coins has Brazil had?

Which real banknotes are rare and valuable?

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Which parallel currencies circulate in Brazil?

SOURCES Mint of Brazil and Brazil Coins Numismatics

CONSULTANT Bruno Diniz, numismatist

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