What candle color is for health or candle color for health and rituals

What color candle is for health The candle flame is a symbolic element that means «light of the soul» in the esoteric sense of the term. In the Catholic religion, the act of lighting the guardian angel candle is a way to activate your request and take you to the higher plane.

In African-based religions, such as Candomblé and Umbanda, the same thing happens with the Orishas.

However, the following question arises, exactly what color candle is for health. Let’s see more about it


What color of candle is for health

Traditionally, the green color is associated with the earth and nature and, therefore, with fertility, growth, abundance and, especially, with health, since since ancient times medicine has always used plants and herbs for healing. preparation of remedies in order to relieve and even cure different ailments.

Hence, it is not surprising that this connection of the green color is also manifested in the esoteric world through the use of candles of this hue for health rituals.

Here are some rituals Health where candles are the primary and most important element.


Rituals with green candle for health

Ritual with green candle for general health #1

For a ritual related to health, a green candle will suffice. Accompanied by a glass of water and incense, preferably pine.

The candle is then lit on a plate and the incense and glass of water are placed around it, while it is strongly desired to improve health. The spell may be accompanied by a prayer to Saint Raphael.
This ritual will have a greater effect if it is performed together with someone young because youth brings with it strong and renewed energies.


Green candle ritual for general health #2

A green candle will be lit and it will be said out loud: “I raised my eyes towards you, O Eternal! and I felt invigorated. You, who are my strength, do not forsake me in this trial; in your infinite goodness I hope, through you, to recover my health so that I can follow you. I am overwhelmed under the weight of my iniquities, more help me, because I well know the weaknesses of my spirit. Don’t look away from me! And give me the opportunity that, saving my mistakes, my spirit can serve you until the end of my days. Amen.

The candle is left lit for thirty minutes after prayer. It will be prayed preferably three or four times a day for a week.


Ritual with green candle to combat migraine

After reading Psalm 119, light a green candle and repeat five times: «My head is free from pain, I feel calm and healthy, I feel relieved, I feel no pain.»


Ritual with green candles to fight fever

After reading the psalm 197, light a green candle and say nine times and with great faith: “Divine energy, allow the temperature to drop; I need to feel good, help me to have health and well-being”.


Ritual with green candles for wounds

After reading Psalm 146, light a green candle and, at the same time, visualize a light that penetrates and heals the wound. Afterwards, say to yourself three times: “Blue heals me, avoids pain and calms me. I feel better because healing force It’s very positive.»


Ritual with green candles to combat depression

Read Psalm 13. Then light a green candle on a Monday and say out loud: “Light of relief, penetrate my soul, take me away from this darkness, do not allow sadness to dominate me. Open my eyes to your enlightenment and forever hide this darkness.” It is recommended to read the psalm again and repeat it if you consider it necessary.


Ritual with green candle for self-esteem

After reading Psalm 8, a yellow candle is lit on a Sunday and repeated nine times: «I believe in my abilities, I will leave the fear of action, I will act according to my wishes, without taking ideas from others, always trusting in myself. same».


Ritual with green candle to combat fatigue

After reading Psalm 140, he states nine times: “My God, do not allow bad influences to affect my state of mind; Keep away people and situations that can hurt me and steal my energy, making me always feel tired. Give me strength and will to move forward in my work and tasks.”


Ritual with green candle to improve health

This ritual can be performed any day of the week. Always at dawn or dusk, for three consecutive days, preferably with the moon in the waning phase. You should go to a room and put on clean clothes, if possible in light colors, never black. Then you should take an infusion of pennyroyal and mint. Once finished, you should say out loud «I drink this herb to relieve my pain.» While the infusion is slowly drunk, imagine that the liquid runs through the body dragging the pain and disease,

Next, they must sit down and place a glass of water, a mirror and their own photo in front of them. You should take the mirror and look intensely at the image. Look into the depths of your eyes and imagine that the illness, the anguish and the pain have been left behind.

Then the image projected on the mirror is transferred. Freeing himself from pain, fears, sadness. Look at the photograph again and take a deep breath. A! breathe out, imagine that you are letting go of all the pain you are carrying. Breathe in again deeply and, as you exhale, meditate on the same thought: all pain and illness are being thrown out, breathe in a third time. At that time you enjoy a state of peace and tranquility.

Light a green candle with a match; make an invocation to God, to the elements or to the saint of devotion, asking him to balance the body and soul.

At this time, you should have altruistic thoughts, imagining that when you recover your health you will help those who need it. You should even think that you should heal because there is someone who needs it or needs your help.

Place a sprig of rosemary next to the candle. Take the photo and pronounce these words: “I am healthy and happy again”.



Before starting any health ritual, it is important to analyze ourselves, since many diseases are caused by our lifestyle. It is known, for example, that upsets cause stomach ulcers; that stress affects the heart and that hair loss can be due to a state of exhaustion.

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Therefore, it is convenient to put ourselves in order first through positive thoughts and appreciating our body above all else. It must be remembered that the body is a reflection of thought and if we balance the energies, everything will work better. If you want to know more about which candle color is for health, you can ask your question in the comment section.


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