What benefits does olive oil have on the face?

we explain what benefits does olive oil have on the facebecause a study revealed that it can be the best ally to preserve your beauty.

Getting old is the most normal thing in the world, you have no alternative, as long as you are still alive, time will pass and leave signs of it in your body. And in a world that worships youth, it is vital for many people to hide the signs of aging.

Although there is a wide range of anti-aging products on the market, some people prefer to use home remedies and treatments made with natural ingredients.

One of the most recommended ingredients for a healthy diet is oil from olive trees, as it is rich in vitamins A, D, E and K and provides polyphenols, a type of natural antioxidant.

In fact, a scientific study published in book form under the title Olives in Health and Disease Preventionrevealed that natural oils such as olive oil can reduce skin aging, thanks to its antioxidant and stabilizing action on cell membranes.

That is why it is also used in various cosmetic treatments for hair.

How do you put olive oil on your face?

With a perfectly clean face, apply a few drops of this oil with your fingertips, gently tapping on the areas with expression lines.
Leave on for half an hour and rinse with plenty of water. Do this home treatment at night before going to sleep; remember to never expose your face to the sun when you have oil on it.

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