In contrast to other magical creatures, vampires have a hierarchy based on six classes starting with Ghouls, followed by Servant Vampires, Nosferatu, Habitual Vampires, High Vampires or Great Vampires, and finally Lords.Vampires.
There are moments in which some actions, people, elements, memories… quickly consume our energy and leave us weak and attackable for the rest of our lives. By the way, if they are actions that have to be repeated, we will do them immediately with resignation and no desire to undertake them. We call it in Reiki, energy vampires.
Energy Vampires: Letting Our Lives Out of Control
15 Vampire Ethnicities Seen In True Stories Novel:
- Asanbosam: African vampires. They are very similar to humans, although with a subtle difference in the feet. They have hooks with which they bite their victims. They use their thumb to bleed their prey.
- Baital: They are vampires from India. They stand five feet tall and their natural form is half man and half bat. The curiosity is that in this vampiric way we associate vampires with bats, which easily enter through the windows of their victims to feed on them.
- Ch’lang Shih: These are Chinese vampires. Legendary story goes that if a cat jumps on a dead body, it will turn into one. His others are pretty pale, sure, they’re dead and the funny thing is they can kill you just by breathing. Your breath is poisonous. How to kill them is very simple. They put a handful of rice and their weakness is that they have to count them, count each grain of rice. They can be recognized for their light ball-like appearance.
- Ekiminu: This being is still a hybrid being, in that it is half vampire and half wraith. It comes from the word ekiminus which means evil spirit. Being half-wraiths, they are invisible although they can be shattered with wooden weapons or through exorcism. Really useful thing if you don’t have a stake handy.
- Katalkanas: These Hellenic vampires, from Crete to be specific, are, let’s say, the much purer line of the authentic ones (seen in the novel). They can be killed by cutting off their heads or pouring burning vinegar on them, which would be much simpler than trying to finish them off with some sharp weapon.
- Krvopijac: Bulgarian vampires. Their physical specifications are quite frightening, as they have only one nostril and a pointed tongue. Khu saw certain dangerous beings in them and decided to curse them to kill them. Only a powerful magician can put it in a bottle and throw it into a bonfire. Although you can also immobilize them while the magician arrives if you put roses around his grave.
- Lamia: Here at last we can find a race exclusively female. You hear about them from the old empire of rome and old Greece. His physique is also divided, like Baital. They have a half human and half animal body, commonly associated with the snake, which is associated with the Judeo-Christian tradition. Vampires aside, they are cannibals, now that they have a good time both drinking their victims’ blood and eating their flesh. If you want to kill them it is much easier than with other ethnicities, they are quite attackable.
- Nosferatus: This is the original vampire. The most special vampire. The most physically similar to a human and that to distinguish it would be necessary to put a speculum or some garlic. Although it is always good not to invite him into the house. I will put the different ways to kill them in another article.
- Rakshasa: Indian vampires, like Baital. These are Khu’s favorite little ones, apart from being vampires, they are magicians. So they have superpowers. They have the ability to appear human, though they also have the ability to transform into animals with their claws, fangs, etc. Let’s say that your animal side resembles a predator like a tiger. They also like cannibalism and can be killed with some sunlight, as they resemble Nosferatu.
- Strigojul: Vampires brought from Romanian mythology. They are very similar to the real ones, but in contrast to them, they are much more of a group attack. If you want to kill them, although it’s a bit difficult due to the fact that they are in a group, you have to put garlic in their mouths or remove their hearts. I think we’ll leave it to Van Helsing and company.
- Succubus: Here we have the much better known vampires of Europe, after the Nosferatu. He is the most romantic, the most evil and the most hot. He thrives on having sex with his victims until they are truly exhausted. He thrives on sexual energy, like psychic vampires. The same victim usually comes multiple times, for whom it is more like a dream or a nightmare, depends on how you want to see it. The interesting thing about these beings is the controversy that is created around their figure. Saint Augustine described them as heartless, but Pedro Sinistrari, in the 17th century, explained that the succubi were superior beings. Beings between fatal and angels and who descended to fraternize with humans, which should not be seen as something bad.
- Vlokoslak: Serbian vampires. They are also known as Mules. They are shown as people dressed in white, so be suspicious the day you walk down a Serbian street and see someone dressed in white. A bit prejudiced, for me. Throughout the day, they can take the form of animals such as horses or sheep to withstand the sunlight. The curious way to kill him is simply to cut off his toe or drive a nail into his neck. Not difficult for what we have on this list.
- Upierczi: These vampires are originally from Poland and Russia. They are also known by the name of Viesczy. These vampires are active day and night. Destroy them, if you can, by burning them. To prove that they are of this kind of race, once burned, animals tend to appear near the corpse, commonly rats. Don’t let them run away, as the vampire’s spirit goes there, so there’s a good chance he’ll survive, and not just because he might come back for revenge.
- Larvae: These beings are popular thanks to literature. They are evil beings, partners in accidents or violent deaths. Their dominance over the living is pretty bad, and they have a pretty evil nature. According to the Latin authors, the larvae appear in different ways, like pale ghosts, skeletons or sinister mannequins with rather ridiculous or even ironic aspects.
- Lemurs: In ancient Rome they were the spirits of the deceased. They are not as scary as the larvae. They are used to seeing each other on certain days of the year to torment the living.
not amazing vampires
The exhibition has a room in charge of the «real vampires». They are murderers who behaved in a way similar to the mythical figure; For example, those who suffered from Renfield syndrome, a mental disorder associated with an urgent need to see, feel or eat blood.
Other of these real individuals became known, such as Enriqueta Martí, “La Vampiro de Barcelona”, who kidnapped children to extract their blood, fat and marrow to make potions that her clients considered magical.
the narcissist
His motto is “Me first”. Everything has to do with them. They crave admiration, recognition and always feel ratified. They lack empathy and they will always force us to confirm that everything, every aspect that surrounds us, is carried out according to their hopes, principles and opinion. They have a very limited ability to accept or consider others, to give genuine appreciation, real friendship, or genuine love.
How to defend ourselves?