What are the professions that generate the most stress? – Online Psychologists

Almost 60% of Spanish employees suffer from work-related stress. However, not all jobs are equally distressing.

He stress has become one of the most representative foundations of modern life. According to data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE), a 59% of Spanish workers suffer from this pathology so popular. Although there are sources that estimate the percentage at much higher figures. In addition, it is responsible for 30% of sick leave. For these reasons, there is no doubt that work stress has become the faithful friend of many workersIn this context, it is not surprising that work, the space where most of the population spends a lot of their time, is one of the main places that contributes to a situation that, today, can be called “global epidemic”.

These data are very surprising and worrying, but… Where does such a high level of stress come from? Why do we Spaniards live immersed in this pathology?

Factors that trigger this pathology

Actually, this problematic may derive from multitude of originsbut the famous North American consulting firm CareerCast has established a classification of the deeper reasons:

  • Salary and remuneration
  • Pressure from superiors regarding delivery periods
  • Physical demands
  • Challenges for the position
  • Travel requirements
  • Sector of the company (private or public sector nature)
  • Interaction with the public
  • Environmental conditions
  • Risks associated with one's own life
  • Threats from the environment
  • Hiring progress for each job over the next 10 years

In this sense, there are many factors that can lead a worker to trigger this situation. However, those mentioned above have focused on objective aspects so that their application is suitable for any environment and work space.

There is no doubt that work stress is a Problems have become very seriousit has even been said that it is the most common disease of the 21st century. Sometimes, it may sound more like a complaint or an excuse on the part of the operator, but it must be taken into account that it is a latent problem and can lead to serious consequences.

This is why this prestigious company in labor issues has carried out a ranking with the most and least stressful jobs in the world, graded on a scale ranging from 0 points (minimum level) to 100 (maximum level).

Top 10 Most Stressful Jobs

It is true that, Generalizing and defining what the most stressful professions in the world are is not fair, There are many different variables. It is possible that what is considered a stressful profession in one place may not be as stressful in another place, even within the same region. Among other reasons, because we are not all surrounded by the same bosses, colleagues, working conditions, demands, pressures, etc.

In general, The jobs that generate the most stress in the world are those that are subject to self-care and protection. Although, sometimes, they do not depend on the activity itself, but on the conditions in which it has to be carried out. If you are curious to know which are the most stressful jobs in the world by their very nature, continue reading this article.

Physical danger and customer service

The risk or danger seems to be in direct contact with the level of stress to be tolerated in the practice of a profession. At least, this is what can be deduced from the first 4 positions on the list of most stressful jobs.

  1. Military. Being away from home and in war zones for a long period of time can be a traumatic event. Added to this is the fear for one's physical safety and the preparation for war and being in it. Along these lines, it can be said that an armed confrontation is one of the most distressing events that can be experienced. One can suffer injuries or see victims, which can produce anxiety or stress, often post-traumatic, since the affected person has to face a series of constant griefs. There are data that indicate that military personnel in combat present high rates of: “30% of them develop mental problems within 3 to 4 months of being at home.”
  2. Firefighters. As a general rule, firefighters are exposed to serious threats on a daily basis, as they risk their lives to save and provide the necessary security to the rest of the population. In addition, much of their work is carried out under unknown circumstances, meaning that they have little control but there are many things at stake, such as a building fire. They are aware that they have to save people, but they do not know how many or the conditions they will face. Last-minute shift changes must also be added, as this does not allow them to make plans in advance with their family unit. Emergencies do not understand days or hours, so the fire department must always have the alarm activated and on alert.
  3. Airplane pilot. Most people think that the profession of piloting an airplane is ideal, since you travel continuously from one place to another while earning a considerable salary. However, despite this belief, the job of airplane pilot occupies one of the top positions in the ranking because it involves a very high level of responsibility and management of situations. First of all, because being responsible for the safety of the entire crew is a job that can cause a lot of pressure because the only thing you think about is getting to your destination safe and sound and all of this depends entirely on the pilot and his handling of the aircraft. Added to this are last-minute changes to schedules, a detail that causes the airline to lose prestige and money. Also, the long working days are long so the absence from home is high, which prevents spending time with the family.
  4. Police. Being part of the public safety administration is one of the most stressful professions. This is due to the constant changes of residence, the mental and physical demands are very high. In addition, a police officer must deal with daily conflicts, and most of them have to risk their lives to save others. The uncertainty of the situations they will have to face every day also influences this (criminals, murders, shootings, traffic accidents, etc.). On the other hand, they are victims of threats, which can cause stress, overwhelm, and other health problems that must be dealt with. This can affect the professional's character. Therefore, it is essential to be aware of this problem and implement psychological support teams and mental health monitoring.

Public service is known as a place where there are a lot of stressful situations. However, the level of stress is not equated with the salary.

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Communicate and inform

In the middle of the table we find four professions that are directly related to the world of communication, advertising and public relations. Although it may seem stupid because they are attractive professions, the reality is that they are among the most stressful.

  • Event organizer. Coordinating large events or shows can be a very stressful profession, especially when things start to go wrong or go wrong. In this context, it is essential to establish good connections and know how to solve problems on your own if you want to survive in this cutthroat industry. It is true that the organizer does not put his life in danger, nor does he expose himself to tragic situations, but it is worth noting that he has to be very sharp-eyed, since he has to take into account many details at the same time. Above all, he must ensure that activities that are by their nature different and independent merge into a harmonious whole. On the other hand, he must seek the satisfaction of all attendees, something that is very complex, here also comes into play the negotiation, which in many cases is not fair. In this context, an event creator is exposed, at all times, to public judgment. Hence, they have one of the most stressful jobs. Added to this are last-minute failures or changes that have to be made against the clock. Therefore, it is a stressful job because you always have to depend on third parties, and if something doesn't go well, you have to have the ability to solve problems and not give in to pressure.
  • Public Relations Manager. PR people, as well as salespeople, have to maintain contact with all kinds of people and therefore are exposed to situations in which they have to allow the other person to cross certain boundaries in order to protect the sale or safeguard the image. In this way, being a public relations person implies being tolerant and having the ability to control oneself, since these are skills that are put to the test continuously. In addition, throughout the day, they interact with a large number of people, so they are exposed to a lot of pressure. Public relations executives are responsible for ensuring that a company has a good reputation, so they have to know how to generate a good image of the company they work for for their clients. Their work must be constant, especially if they want to achieve promotions and offers to increase their visibility and so that their clients receive the best coverage. All of this can be very stressful.
  • Presenter/AnnouncerBeing a radio or television presenter means being responsible for reporting and announcing the news in a truthful manner. To do so, it is necessary to check and verify the data. In addition, it is not a position suitable for people who are shy in front of the camera, since you have to have the ability to speak in order to capture the attention of the public. On the other hand, you have to know how to handle delicate situations, whether they are mistakes, improvisations, mediating in a debate… and a long list of situations. In this sense, the presenter is subject to a lot of stress.
  • Journalist. The stress of reporters takes into account three factors: first, the schedule: it varies depending on the circumstances of the news. To transmit credible information, it is essential to be on the scene when the events occur, which means that the reporter has to move from one place to another, often unexpectedly, since last-minute events occur and the warning time is short. Second, they are sometimes exposed to dangerous situations, to which must be added the speed of reporting instantly. And third, they have to cover a variety of topics on a daily basis, which means they are forced to handle excessive amounts of information…