What are the most poisonous plants in the world?

You can name at least a dozen deadly plants, with poisonous toxins that can kill anyone who comes into contact with them. But it is not possible to make an incontestable ranking of the most poisonous. First, because the effect of the toxin varies greatly from person to person – the most resistant victims may only have vomiting or other less severe reactions; the weakest may die.

Second, because the amount of poison capable of causing problems to humans varies from plant to plant. And third, because there are several ways of contagion: eating the plant, having skin contact and even smelling the perfume it exudes. In this report, we put together a list of five super lethal species, found in various parts of the world and also here in Brazil. All of them are considered highly poisonous and cause domestic accidents.

The main victims are children, who usually find tasty little plants like the one with me-nobody-can, grown to ward off the evil eye. But when the plant is chewed, small crystals hurt the mouth and pharynx, causing swelling that prevents the passage of air and causes death by asphyxiation.

Another reason for poisoning is mistaking a toxic plant for a harmless one. This can occur, for example, with cassava and its poisonous relatives, which are very similar in shape, but very different in chemical composition. To avoid this danger, it’s best to be safe: don’t send unknown vegetables to the pot and warn the kids not to put garden plants in their mouths.

At the bookshop:

Poisonous Plants and Venomous Animals, Samuel Schvartsman, Savier, 1992

deadly salad “Evil” vegetables look harmless and are common in Brazil

NOBODY CAN WITH ME (Dieffenbachia picta Schott)

WHY IT IS TOXIC: because the stem and leaves have crystals of calcium oxalate, a substance that causes inflammation in the body

EFFECTS: when chewed, the plant injures the mucous membranes of the mouth, pharynx and vocal cords. Inflammation causes swelling that impedes the passage of air and can lead to suffocation.

TREATMENT: In the hospital, the victim is given painkillers against inflammation and undergoes gastric lavage. Drinking milk and olive oil helps eliminate the toxin.

Grown indoors, this little plant is considered an amulet against the evil eye. In the United States, it is known as the «dumb cane», as the swelling prevents the person from speaking until the inflammation subsides.

JEQUIRITI (Abrus precatorius L.)

WHY IT IS TOXIC: because it has red seeds with a substance called abrin, which kills when chewed

EFFECTS: abrin causes the agglutination of red blood cells, forming clots and impeding body circulation

TREATMENT: it is necessary to take the victim quickly to the hospital. Rescue includes gastric lavage and anticoagulant drugs

Continues after advertising

Abundant in tropical regions, the jequiriti became famous for being the “forbidden plant” in the movie The Blue Lagoon. In the production, the couple in love chews the seeds and ends up dying (shhh, we tell the end…)

PURGA PINION (Jatropha curcas L.)

WHY IT IS TOXIC: because it contains ricin in the seeds

EFFECTS: causes agglutination of red blood cells and difficulty in blood circulation. Ingesting four or more pine nuts can cause death.

TREATMENT: the victim should go straight to the hospital. After undergoing a gastric lavage, it is necessary to avoid dehydration with saline

Considered an invasive plant, the pinhão-de-purga occurs as a pest in pastures and crops in rural areas. As it is not very common in big cities, there are fewer records of accidents with this vegetable.

CASTOR CASTOR (Ricinus communis L.)

WHY IT IS TOXIC: because the seed has ricin, a lethal toxin when ingested

EFFECTS: Like Abrin, Ricin causes blood clots. There are cases of death of children who ingested a single seed, and of adults who ate two of them. In less severe cases, the toxin causes burning in the throat, intense vomiting, tachycardia and diarrhea.

TREATMENT: immediate hospitalization, with gastric lavage and anticoagulants

Isn’t it that castor beans can really be killers? Seemingly harmless, this bush native to southern Asia grows in any vacant lot. A single bite can cause vomiting and diarrhea.

CASSAVA (Manihot utilissima Pohl)

WHY IT IS TOXIC: its roots and leaves contain linamarin, a toxic substance that can kill anyone who eats the plant

EFFECTS: in the heaviest intoxications, linamarin causes asphyxia and convulsions, which if not treated can be fatal

TREATMENT: hospitalization and gastric lavage. The main remedies are specific antidotes such as amyl nitrite

This plant native to Brazil is poisonous when raw. But when cooked, its toxic substance ceases to take effect. Nowadays, it is possible to find genetically modified specimens on the market, which do not have the poison found in nature.

Source: Poisonous Plants and Venomous Animals by Samuel Schvartsman