Arabian, Thoroughbred, Lusitano, Andalusian, Percheron, Quarter Horse and Appaloosa are considered the main horse breeds. “They are the most numerous, the ones with the most creators and also the most versatile. The Quarter Horse is the fastest. Unbeatable in short races, it reaches 80 km/h and covers 400 meters in just 20 seconds. The Puro Sangue Inglês is ideal for races of 1,000 to 3,000 meters”, says the breeder of Puro Sangue Inglês Nélson Bruno Cilla, marketing manager for the Jockey Clube de São Paulo. Here in Brazil, two other breeds are on the list of the main horses: the Mangalarga and the Campolina, which appeared in the 19th century, developed by national breeders. Although all existing horses on the planet are part of a single species, Equus caballus, there are hundreds of different breeds in the world. They appeared or were created according to the environment where the animal was found and also to satisfy the needs of man, who wanted to accentuate a certain characteristic of the animal, such as strength, speed, dexterity, elegance, etc. Some specialists divide the breeds into four major groups: ponies (animals under 1.44 meters), cold-blooded horses (horses intended for heavy work, such as the Percheron), warm-blooded horses (all saddle and sport, such as Appaloosa, Lusitana, Andalusian and Quarter Horse) and very warm blooded horses (whose main characteristic is the haughty and proud temperament of the animal, such as the Arabian and Thoroughbred). Equines were domesticated over 3,000 years ago and descended from a prehistoric animal that lived about 50 million years ago, called Hyracotherium.
dive into it
At the Bookstore:
All About Horses: A World Guide to 200 Breeds, Caroline Silver, Martins Fontes, 2000
Horses, Elwyn Hartley Edwards, Ediouro, 1995
On the Internet:
The world’s most expensive horses could be worth up to $4 million
Height: between 1.47 and 1.57 meters
Usage: saddle, racing, show jumping, cattle handling, leisure and shows
It is the oldest breed in the world and gave rise to all others. There are records of its existence in the burial chamber of an Egyptian pharaoh who lived in the 20th century BC It was a very rustic animal, created by Bedouins who lived in the Arabian peninsula. Served as a mount for famous conquerors such as Alexander the Great and Napoleon
Height: between 1.47 and 1.57 meters*
Usage: saddle and sports
The Appaloosa was developed by the Nez Percé Indians of North America. It is named after the Palouse River, which ran through the lands where the tribe lived, in the northwestern United States. Used in running and jumping competitions, it has spots and spots all over its body.
Height: between 1.52 and 1.62 meters
Usage: saddle, racing, show jumping and cattle handling
The breed emerged from wild mustang horses, brought to North America by Spanish colonists at the end of the 18th century. Its great performance as a short-distance runner is due to its muscular strength, which allows it to start with great agility.
Height: about 1.57 meters
Usage: saddle, bullfighting, dressage and shows
In Portugal, it is also called Puro Sangue Lusitano and, in Spain, Raça Pura Española. Typical of the south of the Iberian peninsula, the Andalusian is the oldest saddle horse of Western civilization. Although not very fast, he is agile and athletic.
Height: between 1.5 and 1.8 meters
Usage: saddle, traction, chariot competitions and celebratory parades
Originating from the region of Le Perche, in the northeast of France, it is elegant, has a vigorous bearing and is the tallest among the main breeds. At the same time, it is docile and easy to tame. In France, there are two versions: the Postier and the Trait (bigger and stronger)
Height: between 1.62 and 1.67 meters
Usage: saddle, flat racing and sports
Main racing horse in the world, the Thoroughbred English (PSI) appeared in England, at the end of the 17th century, after the importation of Arabian horses. It’s the most expensive breed: a stallion named Cigar was once valued at $4 million! It is a brave horse with good physical vigor.
Height: between 1.52 and 1.62 meters
Usage: saddle, bullfighting, dressage and shows
Much like the Andalusian, he is preferred by bullfighters in Portugal. In recent years, it has won admirers around the world, including in Brazil. Some of the main characteristics of the Lusitano are bravery, strength, robustness and great agility.
Mangalarga and Campolina stand out in the stud farms here
The two main races in Brazil are the same size, about 1.55 meters tall, and also have in common the use for tours and enduros. But the Mangalarga and Campolina have some differences: the first is still used in sports or in dealing with cattle, while the second works well as a draft animal. The Mangalarga descends from Alter stallions (which arrived in Brazil at the beginning of the 19th century) and from native mares of Iberian origin. The Campolina, in turn, received its name in honor of the creator of the breed, Cassiano Antônio da Silva Campolina, who began to develop it in 1870, in Minas Gerais.