What are the main divine angels?

Angels act as lawyers and doctors for humans. When they are not among us, they are prefects of celestial areas and warriors of the divine.


When the human being was created, he led the choir of angels that praised the divine creation, much to Lucifer’s annoyance. It was Michael who accompanied Adam throughout his more than 900 years of life, and also one of the three angels who visited the patriarch Abraham to console his pain, three days after he had his circumcision. In the Book of Revelation, Michael finds evil again when he leads the divine troops in the final fight. Defender of the defenseless, the archangel is one of the most important among Jewish, Muslim, Catholic and Orthodox Christian denominations


Direct messenger from God to important people, he announced to Zechariah the birth of the prophet John the Baptist and to Mary that she was pregnant with Jesus. She also dictated the entire Qur’an to Muhammad. Chief of the guard who guards the gates of the heavenly realm, he is also one of the angels who lead the dead.


Archangel who carries with him the power to cure diseases, he is also, according to some unofficial versions of the biblical account, the angel who expelled Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. Healed all of the Patriarch Jacob’s injuries after he spent an entire night fighting a mysterious figure


His name means «fire of God». He is one of the four angels closest to Yahweh, alongside Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. He was part of the heavenly host that destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. He was the right angel for the job: aggressive, Uriel carries out the punishments laid down for sinners.


God’s scribe, the Creator’s mediator with humanity, has more than 100 names, which can be invoked to achieve miracles – only a few of them, such as Bizbul and Giatiyah, are known. He is not mentioned in the Bible, but medieval tradition considers him to be the transformed version of Enoch, Noah’s ancestor.


Destroyer angel, warrior of the bottomless pit, is responsible for starting the Apocalypse. When that time comes, he will attack humans who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads, hurling against them monstrous beings the size of a horse, the shape of a locust, and the tail of a scorpion.


He is one of the least participatory angels: he follows events from afar, as an observer – for this, he manages to move extraordinarily quickly. He also comforts depressed and grieving people and helps to give patience and understanding to human beings and other angels.

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For Islam, he is the angel who will blow the trumpet that will announce the beginning of the Last Judgment. Until then, six times a day he looks into hell and is disgusted by the suffering he sees. He was also one of the four angels who fetched dust from one of the four corners of the Earth for Allah to create the first man.


In the tradition of Jewish occultism, this cherub is the prince of love, invoked in magical ceremonies to attract men and women. Warm-hearted and undisciplined, he does not lend himself to tasks involving punishment or violence, but he is able to convince aggressive people to act with warmth and compassion.


Seraphim who controls the fate of kings and rulers in general and protects all peoples who are unjustly attacked by others. It takes care of the reconciliation between enemies and the good relationship between people. On top of that, it helps to guarantee the passion between married couples and, with that, to stop marital infidelity.


In the tradition of the Orthodox Christian Church, he is one of the seven most important archangels, popular especially in Russia. It is not in the Bible, but it is mentioned in the apocryphal Third Book of Esdras as responsible for the physical and emotional well-being of people. When a person prays, it is Salatiel who accompanies him


Are angels immortal?
According to the tradition of Christianity, yes. They are neither born nor die nor reproduce. Therefore, the number of angels originally created by God is the same since then, with the difference that part of them revolted and ended up in hell.

Can they become human or vice versa?
No way. Angels and people are completely different beings – they are made of light and we are made of dust. This is in accordance with Jewish, Christian and Islamic traditions. For Hindus and Buddhists, evolved people can transform into angelic beings

Do they enter people, like demons?
If infernal monsters dominate the body of human beings, it is to harm them and to attack and deceive other people. Angels do not resort to such a malicious device. When they need to contact people, they simply talk to them.

Do they have sex?
They are asexual, but choose the most convenient ways to express themselves, depending on the occasion. When they do, they have no physical body, no weight, no height. They end up being portrayed as men, women or children according to how they were seen

celestial hierarchy

first sphere

second sphere

third sphere
Guardian Angels

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