What are the functions of water in the human body?

Water is not only important, but indispensable for human life, representing about 60% of an adult’s weight. In babies, the proportion is even higher: 70%. It is the most important element in the body, the main component of cells and a universal biological solvent, so all our internal chemical reactions depend on it. Water is also essential for transporting food, oxygen and mineral salts, in addition to being present in all secretions (such as sweat and tears), blood plasma, joints, respiratory, digestive and nervous systems, urine and skin. It is found even where few people imagine. It is responsible, for example, for 20% of the bones. For all this, we immediately resent the lack of it in the body.

A human being can go weeks without ingesting food, but going three to five days without ingesting liquids can be fatal. Experts recommend that we drink at least 2.5 liters a day. “When people are thirsty, it’s because they’re past the point of drinking water”, says pulmonologist Juliana Ferreira, from Hospital das Clínicas, in São Paulo. On very hot days, or when the person does intense exercise, this intake can even exceed 6 liters, mainly because sweat “wastes” a lot of liquid in an attempt to maintain the body temperature at an adequate level. “It is necessary to hydrate properly, otherwise the body spends more water than it absorbs”, says nutritionist Isabela Guerra, who is working on a doctorate in the area of ​​hydration and sports.

swimming in liquids

The body depends on it for many functions, from protecting the brain to digestion.

help with cleaning

The kidneys are responsible for the formation of urine, a liquid that has 95% water in its composition and serves to eliminate waste that is useless to the body. To generate 1 liter of urine, the kidneys process about 1000 liters of blood

digestive juice

Water is the main component of gastric and pancreatic juices and bile, substances produced in organs such as the stomach and pancreas. The action of these liquids is fundamental in the process of digestion of food.

Enter and leave

Food is also important to keep the tank full.

Daily hydration: 2 550 ml

• Food – 1 000 ml

• Liquids – 1 200 ml

• Internal chemical reactions – 350 ml

Daily dehydration: 2 550 ml

• Urine – 1 250 ml

• Skin – 850 ml

• Lungs – 350 ml

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• Feces – 100 ml

Blue blood

The speed at which nutrients are transported through the blood system depends on water, which accounts for 95% of the composition of plasma, the so-called liquid part of the blood.

protected brain

The meninges (membranes surrounding the brain) are lubricated by liquor. This fluid, of course, contains water and helps reduce the impact on the brain mass if the skull is displaced.

circulation control

It’s not just the air we breathe in that passes through our lungs, body fluids do too. These organs are then in charge of controlling the circulation of fluids, directing part of them to excretion – both via sweat and via urine.

natural lubricant

The precious liquid is also present in a fluid found in every joint in the body. It works as a kind of lubricant, preventing friction between the various bones – in the case of the elbow, between the humerus and the radius and the ulna

dive into it

On the Internet:




– Why does the water get wet?

– Is it possible to run on water?

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