What are the evils that cigarette causes in the human body?

Cigarettes can cause about 50 different diseases, especially problems related to the heart and circulation, cancers of various types and respiratory diseases. “Cigarette smoke is absorbed by combustion, which further increases the harm caused by its composition”, says Valéria Cunha de Oliveira, a technician in the smoking division at the National Cancer Institute (Inca), in Rio de Janeiro. It sounds like ex-smoker talk, but it’s the pure truth: 4 700 toxic substances are inhaled in each puff. Among them, three are considered the worst.

The first is nicotine, which causes dependence and reaches the brain faster than the dreaded cocaine, being associated with heart and vascular (blood circulation) problems. The second is carbon monoxide (CO), the same one that comes out of the exhaust pipe of cars. It combines with blood hemoglobin (responsible for transporting oxygen) and ends up reducing blood oxygenation in the body. It is because of the action of CO that some smokers get headaches after spending several hours away from cigarettes. In this period of abstinence, the level of oxygen circulating through the body returns to normal and the person’s organism, which is no longer used to this «excess», complains through headaches. The third substance regarded as a great villain is tar, which contains several carcinogenic products, such as polonium, lead and arsenic.

Every cancer related to smoking – such as in the mouth, larynx or stomach – has some connection with tar. The union of this powerful trio of substances in the composition of cigarettes could only make the product extremely harmful to health. To give you an idea, 90% of cases of lung cancer – the main cause of death from cancer among Brazilian men – are linked to smoking.

too easy targets Heart and lungs are among the main parts of the body affected by tobacco

1. From caries to cancer

Smoking causes a lot of damage in the mouth area. In addition to modifying breath, smoke irritates the gum and can facilitate the emergence of cavities. There is also a change in the taste buds, which affects the smoker’s taste. Cigarettes still increase the risk of mouth cancer, despite being less harmful in this regard than cigars.

2. Black plate

Several toxic substances present in smoke make the tissues of the lungs lose elasticity, which leads to a partial destruction of the structure of these organs. That’s what the smokers’ lung scans – quite dark – show. Of deaths caused by bronchitis or emphysema, 85% are associated with smoking. Lung cancer is still the leading cause of cancer death among smokers

3. Work with nicotine

The nicotine inhaled by the smoker goes to the liver, where it is metabolized. Therefore, this organ is also subject to developing cancer.

4. Upset stomach

Residues of a pesticide called DDT have already been found in samples of the tar that makes up cigarettes. DDT irritates the lining of the stomach and can make a smoker feel nauseous. In addition, part of the toxic substances in cigarettes is metabolized in the stomach, which can lead to gastritis, ulcers and even cancer.

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5. Spill risk

The brain can also be affected by circulation difficulties caused by smoking. Constricted vessels, impaired blood quality and increased blood pressure can result in stroke

6. Impaired circulation

Nicotine thins blood vessels and carbon monoxide reduces the concentration of oxygen in the blood. Thus, the smoker is more subject to various problems related to circulation, such as aneurysms (dilation of blood vessels that favors spills), thrombosis (clogged vessels), varicose veins and even a disease called thromboangiitis obliterans, which affects the extremities of the body, can lead to amputation of limbs.

7. Sight infarction

One of the most affected organs is the heart. The action of nicotine causes the body to absorb more cholesterol. Cigarettes also raise blood pressure and heart rate, which rises by up to 30% during puffs. All of this is a risk factor for heart problems, making smokers more likely to have heart attacks.

Free from addiction What do you get if you quit smoking for…

20 minutes: Blood pressure and pulse return to normal

2 hours: there is no more nicotine circulating in the blood

8 hours: blood oxygen level normalizes

2 days: taste buds gain sensitivity again

3 weeks: breathing becomes easier and blood circulation improves

5 to 10 years: the risk of suffering a heart attack is equal to that of those who have never smoked

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