What are the eight types of intelligence?


It is the ability to develop equations, solve calculations and solve abstract problems. Its manifestation is one of what people think of as “traditional intelligence” – especially at school. She is typical of those who are good at accounts, logic and strategy.

  • Featured hobbies: puzzles, chess, video games, computers, unraveling mysteries.
  • Nominated careers: science, computing, law, engineering, mathematics, medicine.
  • Such geniuses: Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Stephen Hawkin, Mark Zuckerberg.


Some people are very easy with words. They have a kind of intelligence that allows them to analyze information and develop written and oral language products, such as speeches and books, always finding the best way to communicate great ideas. It is in high demand (and appreciated) at school, as most tests and exercises are per written.

  • Featured hobbies: tell stories, write texts, recite poetry, do hobbies with words, read, play RPG.
  • Nominated careers: publishing, education, journalism, literature, translation.
  • Such geniuses: Cecilia Meirelles, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, William Shakespeare, Tom Wolfe.


The name already gives it away: it is the one that allows a person to produce, remember and establish meaning in different sound patterns. Musical sensitivity manifests itself in listening, singing, composing and playing instruments.

  • Featured hobbies: whistle, sing, rhyme, compose, join a choir, listen to music, play instruments.
  • Nominated careers: singing, composition, music criticism, music direction, DJ, music teaching, sound engineering for films and plays.
  • Such geniuses: Ludwig van Beethoven, Tom Jobim, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.


Typical of those who have a strong connection with nature and an unusual ability to identify and distinguish animals, plants, climate formations and other elements of the natural world. At school, those who have this bombing intelligence do well in biology and geography.

  • Featured hobbies: taking care of plants and gardens, going on nature trails and walks, walking the dog.
  • Nominated careers: biology, ecology, geology, medicine, veterinary medicine, meteorology.
  • Such geniuses: Charles Darwin, Alexander von Humboldt, Aziz Ab’Saber, Chico Mendes.


It is the ability to use one’s body (and its movements) to solve problems or create products. It is the most requested per example, in soccer stars, gymnasts, dancers and artists in general.

  • Featured hobbies: sports, dance, magic, theater, mime, juggling, massage.
  • Nominated careers: choreography, dance, dramatic arts, visual arts, physical education, sports.
  • Such geniuses: Lionel Messi, Marta, Meryl Streep, Michael Phelps.


There are people who don’t know how to orient themselves on a map, can’t estimate measurements and aren’t able to put together a good look. Per On the other hand, masters of this intelligence have an extra ability to recognize space and think in terms of colors, shapes and measurements, manipulating both large and small images.

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  • Featured hobbies: aeromodelling, crafts, drawing, photography, painting, sculpture.
  • Nominated careers: architecture, plastic arts, aviation, industrial design, interior design, graphic design, engineering.
  • Such geniuses: Coco Chanel, Oscar Niemeyer, Pablo Picasso, Santos Dumont.


you know that your friend who is the best shoulder when you need to cry? Who easily understands everything you’re feeling, knows how to console you and knows how to propose solutions to problems? He is well developed in this kind of intelligence: that which recognizes and works with the desires and moods of others. It is useful when studying in a group, per example, or managing a team.

  • Featured hobbies: volunteer work, group sports, conversations.
  • Nominated careers: journalism, marketing, politics, psychology, human resources, public relations, theology, sales.
  • Such geniuses: Winston Churchill, Mahatma Gandhi, Marília Gabriela, Pope Francis.


It is the opposite of interpersonal: the individual uses intelligence to know himself. They are people with a great degree of autonomy, able to recognize their own intentions, motivations and opinions. This self-analysis can put them in a good position to reflect on the human condition, whether per through philosophical texts, whether per middle of great novels.

  • Featured hobbies: write a diary, meditate, plan your life goals.
  • Nominated careers: philosophy, literature, psychology, theology.
  • Such geniuses: Ernest Hemingway, Machado de Assis, Friedrich Nietzsche, Simone de Beauvoir.

How do I identify mine?

Self-analysis can give some clues to the your potential


There is no standardized test to detect an individual’s predominant intelligence. This would go against the Theory of Multiple Intelligences itself: if it is multiple, it cannot be measured on a single scale, such as the IQ test. It would be necessary to develop performance evaluations and parameters for each. In addition, Gardner points out that “intelligence must be mobilized to help individuals learn, not as a way to categorize them”.


Gardner does not believe in tests, but some followers of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences have already tried to systematize them (and turn them into a way to earn money). The most famous is Midas, created by consultant Branton Shearer, which can be used as a vocational test. Gardner himself recognizes that he does measure abilities in certain areas – but not all. And it still depends on the person knowing themselves well (that is, having high interpersonal intelligence!)


Tests may not accurately measure one’s capabilities, but a little self-reflection never hurt anyone. Think about the questions below and compare with the descriptions of the eight types of intelligence to see which one resonates most with you:

  • What types of activities most attract your attention? And which one is it your fitness level for them?
  • What school subjects do you do best in?
  • What methods and tools do you use to express yourself or solve problems?
  • When you memorize a scene, what about it catches your attention the most?
  • What career are you thinking of following?

SOURCES Websites American Psychological Association, BBC, British, edutopia, Howard Gardner, Independent, Multiple Intelligences Research and Consulting Inc., new city school, Sustainable planet, Project Zero – Graduate School of Education It is Harvard University; book The Psychology of Intelligence, by Jean Piaget; and magazines welcomeNEW SCHOOL and SUPER INTERESTING

CONSULTANCY Ana Paula Porto Noronha, professor of the stricto sensu graduate program in psychology at the University of São Francisco (SP), José Aparecido da Silva, professor of psychobiology at the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of Ribeirão Preto at USP, and Rogerio Panizzutti, psychiatrist, neuroscientist and professor at UFRJ

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