What are the ecological products that are impacting the Internet?

If sustainable was once synonymous with boring, now it is impossible to think such a thing. Today, more and more organic products overflow creativity and are exquisitely aestheticand far outperform conventional products.

Many of the most innovative organic products are the result of extensive research and the collective work of hundreds of people committed to the environment. Almost always, everything starts with a pertinent and simple question: How to make a more sustainable product? And thus hundreds of eco-inventions arise, like ocean farms or pollinating drones.

But everyday ecological products also emerge, very practical and that re-enchant the existence of all of us who take responsibility and lead sustainable lives. By the way, these organic products will revive your faith in humanityas they show that the fight against massive pollution is not yet lost, and that we can contribute to it with great style.

These are 8 precious and innovative organic products:

Air-Ink, Singapore – Pollution turned into ink

This ink is made from an artifact that allows the transformation of air pollution into ink. It was created by students and scientists from MIT and its mechanism absorbs contaminants, removes the metals they include and leaves only a purified carbon pigment, which is then taken to another chemical process to make different types of inks and paints.

Air-Ink is undoubtedly a breath of clean air: technology at the service of the reuse of everything (because everything is reusable, nothing has to be wasted).

Who Gives a Crap, Australia – Toilet Paper Really ecological

Many toilet papers are sold as ecological but they really are not, except, if anything, in the recycling of some of its components. Who Gives a Crap is truly ecological, since not only are trees not used in its preparation, but it is wrapped in paper and glues, inks, and artificial essences full of harmful chemicals are not used for its wrapping.

In addition, the company donates 50% of its profits to improve sanitary conditions in countries that need it -since there are 2.3 billion people who do not have access to a toilet–.

Bakeys, India – Delicious Cutlery

This project, which started in 2010, is based in India. In addition to avoiding contamination caused by disposable plastic cutlery, it adds a touch of vegan flavor to any meal. These cutlery are made from sorghum, rice and wheat, and are available in both sweet and savory flavors. No preservatives, chemicals or additives of any kind are used in its preparation.

And if you don’t eat them, it doesn’t matter: they are 100% biodegradable. Wonderful.

Skleník Glasshouse, Czech Republic – Mini greenhouse for growing in the kitchen

More than just a beautiful ornament: this little glass ball is a mini greenhouse for the kitchen, with which you can grow your own herbs without the need for lamps. In addition, you will get an organic product, free of pesticides and that does not involve other expenses, such as the one involved in transportation or packaging that these herbs sometimes have in the market.

They are made by the artist Kristýny Markvartov.

Tunster‘s, Holland – Snacks made with leftover beer

Grains are a fundamental part of beer production. But from these only the sugars are extracted; the rest is discarded from the process, even though it may still be useful.

Tunster’s is a line of snacks made from those grains discarded in beer production. That makes them not only sustainable, but very healthy and delicious.

Piñatex, Philippines – Vegetable leather made from pineapple fiber (your clothes will not be the same)

Pineapple leaf residues are usually discarded during the cultivation of this fruit, and are left to rot. Piñatex proposes using them to create a beautiful material that is like a vegetable leather, which makes it ecological and free of all animal cruelty.

As such it cannot be purchased directly, but it is a material that Puma, Camper and other brands have already used.

SpikyLondon – Shower curtain to save water

The London artist Elisabeth Buecher put all her creativity at the service of the planet to make this original shower curtain. The spouted design of it is made to activate once just enough shower time has passed, preventing you from staying too long and wasting water.

It’s a great and fun idea for a very serious problem. The bad thing is that it has not yet been developed commercially, but it will surely happen soon, as the artist told the huffpost you would love to take this design further.

WaterDrop, Spain – Water collection bag

Some organic products are innovative because of their simplicity. This bag, with a beautiful handmade design and resistant material, is made to reuse all the water that goes away in those seconds that we leave the tap open to heat the water in the shower.

The best thing is that it has a shower shape that facilitates the reuse of water for the toilet, to water the plants or for any other domestic use. Incredible, right?

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